
11. Lions-Charity-Lauf auf Schloss Fasanerie – Bilderserie von Carina Jirsch

11. Lions-Charity-Lauf auf Schloss Fasanerie – Bilderserie von Carina Jirsch

Gute Laune and Strahlende Focused on the beautiful Lions-Charity-Lauf. – Photos: Carina Jirsch

Start at Kaiserwetter

22.09.24 – Bereits zum 11. Mal in Folge was at Sonntag in Schloss Fasanerie alle Sportbeisterten dazu geufen, sich gemeinsam for the good Zweck and besonderen Ort einzusetzen. With the motto ‘Besser Gemeinsam Laufen’ inspired by the Lions Club Fulda who are proud of their lives, their laurel wreaths are beautiful and active, their lives are brighter and brighter people are positively affected.

Our sports enthusiast photographs Carina Jirsch during the mega-event of a castle fasanerie that is intensively played and gets a festive party. Click on your photo series. (ci)+++