
Music Blog – Katy J Pearson

Music Blog – Katy J Pearson

Katy J Pearson’s new album ‘Someday, Now’ started with a Wecker, the first time she was launched. With that album, which I wrote after “Return” and “Sound Of The Morning,” he said a page, which can work now.

His characteristic Indie-Folk-Stil is here a poppy, retro style is fun, the album is an exciting adventure with nostalgia and modern fresh machines. “Someday, Now” contains a crystal clear sound, an acoustic and electronic balanced element.

The opener “Those Goodbyes” begins with electronic music, before Pearson’s guitar and crystal clear vocals take center stage.

The album is melancholic and dry, rediscovering the 80s pop influences. In tracks with “Grand Final” and “Save Me” synthesizer and guitar are combined, while “Misschien” is presented with a free text and a harmonious harmony.

Text by Pearson on Diesem Album einiges zu sagen. In “Long Range Driver” you go with the simple beobachtungen an ich and packaged that in a Melody, the trotz des bissigen Inhalts zum Mitsingen endlädt.

Pearson tries to convince himself and help if he wants to. If you forget, look at the gleichzeitig; and if Zweifel doesn’t know anymore, it’s worth stopping.

Music is the album of a thoughtful mix. While ‘Siren Song’ and Kate Bush a ‘Maybe’ with a melody from the highlights of the albums, said ‘Constant’ a good, verletzlicher Pearsons, which the Hörer*innen in a night-thinking atmosphere verzt.

The album ends with the powerful track “Sky”, a more fitting Abschluss für ein Werk, which is a triumphant Abschluss a Reise zu sich selbst.

“Someday, Now” said Katy J Pearson as an art teacher, who earned money on the Platz, so musically and personally. When you take a new path, you can combine indie-folk with pop elements, or lose an authentic one.

The album is a muted, machine-gun and musically best music release.