
“That situation is so bad.”

“That situation is so bad.”

It won’t be long before you’re out the door Hamas attack on Israelthe Kämpfe dauern an. Die Lage im Gaza Strip It is nothing more than an extremely long term – anyway, while Hilfstransport from Blockaden can no longer use the border crossing. “We urgently need better access”, also demands Martin Frick, Director of the UN Welfare Programme (WFP).

KURIER: Mr. Frick, who has been critical of the aftercare in Gaza Strip for a year?

Martin Frick: Catastrophic. We will wait a long time for a famine in the North. Because it was so low, it was important that we could bring the Hilfsliefde above the Hafen Aschdod in the North of the Gaza Strip. If the machine has a greater sorgency in the South, the storage places of the dort will be closed bzw. does not work.

Everything can change completely in the situation: In a few weeks at the beginning of winter, about 70 Prozent der Gebäude is aber mittlerweile zerstört. Viele Familien were also in Zelten übernachten müssen, zum Teil bei Minusgraden and Dauerregen. It’s an extreme heart. And: Die Straßen since in sehr schlechtem Zustand. If it is cloudy and rainy, you should place the Hilfstransporter in the dreck-stecken of your büchstäblich.

How do I plan to purchase the WFP here?

Most evacuation relations of the Israeli army, which meist with nur a few Stunden Vorlaufzeit kommen: Gerade has lost us a few drops and letztes Lagerhaus in Gaza, we are in a new Evakuierungsgebiet steht. 86 The Gaza Strip is an evacuation area, it is nothing but fear in the Schutzzones. Neun von zehn Palästinensern wurden vertrieben, manche zum drieten, vierten, funten Mal. If there is a Befehl, you must use our Suppenküchen, Bäckereien usw. new construction.

The bottom line is that the Sicherheitslage will not last that long. At the end of August it is a fact – deutlich gekennzeichneten en bei den Sicherheitsbehörden angekündigten – vehicles will be shot directly. Zum Glück-war is armored. The first thing that happens is that the UN collaborators get a Luftschlag on a Schule. The number of people in that force is worth 40,000 people, but 300 humanitarian Helfers have been given a life – that is the 2nd in that dimension.

More UN experts recruit Israel for Gaza famine. What are they saying?

It is an extreme problem that becomes legally impossible. If you bring Aidslieferungen in the Gaza Strip, this is a real swerve. There is only one thing that is not possible. hinders, that will quickly come across the Border or through Checkpoints. We urgently need better access. The humanitarian law of the people is gilded for everything, under water and everywhere.

In Sudan, since 2023, the war has fallen, the WFP has provided aid there first briefly. Who sees it here with the care?

After 500 days of war, half of the population in Sudan was affected by hunger – 25.6 million people, a large number of people. The Zugang is here the ground of the rains that have been restored, while few of the Grenzübergang Adré in the Southwest have been geoffnett (an der Grenze zum Tschad, Anm.). Zwar has been able to cross the border with the most diverse LKWs, but some of the crossing paths may be unpassable.

A quick war in Gaza: "The situation is so bad who doesn't"

Auch in Sudan is der Bedarf und Nahrungsmittelhilfe groß

Because we sometimes speak of a “Hunger’s snot”, many changes must occur. It is the highest level of escalation. In the Samsam refugee camp in Sudan, an official statement is made about one of the first months in 2017 and in general first to Mal. People are also prepared to starve. It is the best way to take advantage of the fact that the reality is a famine, but it will not last that long.

The WFP, unlike other UN agencies, does not have a core budget and financing from free money from governments, companies and private individuals. Who is one of these Zuwendungen?

Uncertain situation is so bad who yet not. There has been a financing round of 60 Percent. Alone for Gaza yields an amount of 170 million dollars, and more money and more for other Operations Money. More than 300 million people in 71 countries are affected by the nahrungsunsicherheit.

A quick war in Gaza: "The situation is so bad who doesn't"

WFP Director Martin Frick

What has the financing of art become?

We have been working as a community since then. There is so much Kriege that a resale of the andauernden Krieg in Ukraine, nor the Corona pandemic erholt and a nahrungsmittelpreiskrise, the famine will disappear. Auch der Klimawandel ist in unseren Operationen immer deutlicher zu spüren, etwa in Form von Fehlernten.

You are the WFP director of Germany and Austria. Who sees it with the preparation of it?

Aus Deutschland has made money a long time ago, 2022 was 1.7 billion euros. The basic attitude of the headquarters is for the humanitarian aid Hilfe has gone extremely crazy, the camps are gerade. Austria is one of the most common events. We get money from the Auslandscatastrofenfond, from the ADA, from the Ministry of Agriculture.