
Australian decision «Recht auf Nichterreichbarkeit»

Australian decision «Recht auf Nichterreichbarkeit»

A new Gesetz in Australisch ermöglicht is Angestellten, nach Feierabend für ihre Vorgesetzten nicht meerreichbar sein zu müssen.

The new Australian Law, which is considered a “Fair Work Legislation Amendment”, calls on the judge to cease giving his opinion in his spare time for his former care and to give his opinion on the contacts with his commenters, such as the keystone SDA message. The war war in February of the Parliament will be processed in Kraft paper.

Affected by a problem in life and expanding the world, it is now possible to use your mobile phone and no longer respond to emails. For smaller units with less than 15 minutes, the law first applies in a year in power.

Possession of mental abilities as the main motivation

“We can better imagine that people arrived on 24 hours a day, but more things are done on 24 hours a day,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told Australia’s Rundfunksender ABC.

“It’s a fragment of mental health. If it’s good, it’s the person doing his job without gain. And if your family and your relatives want to know more.”

Is your assessment of the Arbeitszeiten erreichbar?

Disconnections are always visible: In cases where ignoring the exchange of contacts is an unpleasant being, as an example of one of the conditions of Notfall, one can appeal to the Angestellten of the contacts.

Work culture and international context

Media reports that in Australia the work-life balance is worse than in many other countries. Also in other Ländern wie Frankreich, Spanien und Belgien sindähnliche Gesetze in Kraft. Laut John Hopkins of the Fakultät voor de Wirtschaft, Recht und Unternehmertum of Swinburne University is one of the times in 25 Ländern vergleichbare Gesetze.

The new regulation is being ignored by the work processes. So says Michele O’Neil, president of ACTU: “People can no longer cope with stress, “standard unchanged messages and emails from the Arbeit-beantwoorden van müssen”

In Germany there is no right to Nichterreichbarkeit, with the «Bild» message. It is very wise to achieve the best results for the Arbeitszeit. The Bundesvereinigung der Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA) is clear about the terms of the Arbeitszeitgesetz in Verbindung mit der Verreinbarten Arbeitszeit Regelen setzt. It is a matter of careful regulation of your environmental protection.

Ausnahmen auch in Australien möglich

But also in Australia, acceptances are required. If the contact does not last any longer, it will no longer be necessary. The specific acceptance is subject to the court. With this law, Australia will make an important contribution to the corporate culture and the work culture.



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