
James Webb Telescope has found a new image of Galaxien-Kollision

James Webb Telescope has found a new image of Galaxien-Kollision

465 Millions of Light from the Erde entfernt seen in the star image Smaller Löwe a final cosmic spectacle from: The two galaxies since they were understood, but their progress is complete, the achievements of hundreds of millions of years have begun and many more millions of years have passed . The smaller elliptical galaxy PGC 32628 and the larger spiral galaxy PGC 32620 depict the galaxy pair Arp 107, the beautiful form of Hubble-Teleskop has been adopted.

Now the US-Weltraumbehoren NASA has published new images of the so-called intertwining galaxies. They come from the James-Webb-Weltraumtelescope, the Arp 107 with the NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and the MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) in the field of view. With the acquired instruments, the astronomers have become an image, which a complete information about the most stellar things loves and goes further, with the galactic collistic verlauft.

Arp 107

That’s a picture of the sight of a lifetime of 450,000 years of light. The infrared light in the light and the light works in the direction of the visible light. If the filter is used, use NIRCam and MIRI filters when using light. On the right of the Massstab in Lichtjahren.Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI

“Brücke” between the Galaxien

So if the James-Webb Telescope has a transparent white bridge, while both Galaxies connect and consist of Gas and Sternen, they die from both Sternhaufen herausgerissen. The infrared light power is already visible in the sky, dying in both galaxies. They were buried in Weiss. Red and orange color show young, strong and active growth areas. In summary Arp 107 «thanks to the two people who have been reading ‘Augen’ and from their Breten, halbrunden ‘Lächelns’ a fruitful Ausstrahlung», writes NASA.

Combination of the Galaxie Purple Arp 107, equipped with the Hubble-Weltraum Telescope and the Victor M. Blanco Telescope, connected to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (On the left is Galaxie PGC 32628, ...

For comparison: Arp 107 in a combination of data from the Hubble Telescope, the Victor M. Blanco Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Image: Wikimedia

The largest of both components of Arp 107, the Spiral Galaxy, will be the next Seyfert Galaxy. These Galaxies are formed by the active Galaxy Core (AGN), the enormous mixing energy from the central center. The heaviest of these AGNs are located in their center of a Quasar; a supermass area of ​​the Black Hole, which is a rotating shear-living material, the Accretion Shear. Seyfert Galaxies generally radiate less than Quasar Galaxies – therefore, for the James Webb Telescope, the non-energetic infrared light is easier to observe.

Longing for the spiral alarms

There are 107 of those things that have been done with another galaxy, one of the most galactic collissions is: the Wagenradgalaxie (PGC 2248). This kind of Ringgalaxie, the 400 million Lichtjahre of the Erde, is grateful for the shape of the Zusammenprall a smaller galaxy with a larger Scheibengalaxie. If the small galaxy glove goes through the big rearguard, the enormous shock wave dies out, while Gas and Staub heating belts become, then the regions with stronger strong pictures occur.

The Wagenradgalaxie is in the present image (Image 14):

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Cosmic Slither
NGC-6302such as «Käfer-Nebel» or the English «Butterfly Nebula», is performed at 4000 Lichtjahre von der Erde. The hubsche gebilde, excluded from Hubble-Telescope, is a planetary Nebula – which never started with the planets, if he uses one of the celestial bodies of gas and plasma, there is another stern at the end of the signal discovery.

quelle: nasa, esa, hubble/william ostling

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In Arp 107 there is no question that it is so that in the Wagenradgalaxie – the smaller galaxy that moves the spiralgalaxie near the Mitte, can ensure that it can be used in the largest structure of the structure. Lediglich the characteristic spiral alarms are fully verschunden. When both galaxies are fully grown, it becomes a large, irregular form of galaxy images.

New stars born

The collization of the two sternhaufen is a more chaotic course. If you see the new sterne, which is used by MIRI in the infrared-final rückliche time. This young star, which exists in the spiral systems, is blue in color and of solid particles and organically formed molecular substances, which are typical for a sternentstehungsgebiet.

The MIRI camera on the James Webb Space Telescope reveals regions rich in hydrocarbons and silicate dust.

The MIRI instrument said the supermassive Black Hole in the center of the Spiral Galaxy on the right. This is the typical feature of the Webb-Telekopp Spire. The young star in the Spiral Galaxy is blue in color. Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI

Collision in Galaxies, which are not yet active in the new Sterne-bilden, new gas reservoirs and the gas that compresses so, that it is closed for the Bildung of Sternen ist. Not all Collision will do this; If you press the gas on the gas and use the Galaxie material, it is closed for the new star. (mr)

Tour through Arp 107

The video began and ended with a shot of the sky and the infrared radiation of the James-Webb Weltraumtelekops. The image is displayed on the small infrared field of view, while the forward-moving display of the Galaxien party takes place.Video: YouTube/James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

Kollision der Galaxien: Milchstrasse and Andromeda

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Kollision der Galaxien: Milchstrasse and Andromeda

The Ist-Zustand: Milchstrasse (the fast vertical Sternenband on the right) and Andromeda-Galaxie (left) are also associated with beef 110 Kilometers per Sekunde an. (image: nasa)

source: nasa

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Video: watson/nico bernasconi

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Young stars in mating season
Here you see an English conjugate Pair of active images of Sterne, which are transmitted in high abundance by the NIRCam of the James-Webb-Telekops. A Protosterne is being traded in Herbig-Haro-Object 46/47 (HH46/47).

source: nasa, esa, csa

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