
Why will Diese Hunde have no one?

Why will Diese Hunde have no one?

Why do we have nothing?

Four Tierheim-Hunde and no adoption campaign

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Rolex is a real prince.

Hamburger Tierschutzverein from 1841 e. V.

by Sina Schlink

Yes, this Hunde is an answer – how do you make money when you have no more money?

The four dogs don’t even get the chance, a pale for a while that you find them. But: Bisher has the Hamburger Tierschutzverein no inconspicuous adoption request for one of the animals received. One of the dogs can spend his time in Tierheim in the Süderstraße.

Rolex: A Prince in a Corset

Mischlings-Rüde Rolex is zwölf Jahre alt. De Hunde-Opa has been in Tierheim since 2018. Denn: There is no longer any question of vermittelbar. Sven Fraaß, Pressesprecher des Hamburger Tierschutzvereins at RTL: “There was a lot of concern after a single Beißvorfall.” Jetzt muss is a maulkorb trauma. But: If it wants, it can be different. “If Rolex was white, I was working on the long term, the idea was that it was fine in the area of ​​​​leine and that the Tierarztbesuche or Behandlung lässt a problem is über sich ergehen”, Fraaß continues. Trotzdem is a very satisfying dog and a powerfully executed halter. If you act, you can’t offend anyone.

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A new halter is suitable for all kinds of things. „Ein gutes Durchsetzungsvermögen and fell Einfühlungsvermögen ist Voraussetzung. Other Hunde or Kinder sollten in der Familie are no longer in the planning, the Rolex is a Prinz family in Anspruch nimmt,” said Fraaß. Fremden Menschen gegenüber ist unsicher and more trotz seines Alters noch erzogen zijn.

Buddy has the most popular files

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Buddy is talking about it.

Hamburger Tierschutzverein from 1841 e. V.

Auch Buddy is a loner. And: Weil der sechsjährige Rottweiler-Bullmastiff-Mischling fell on the platz, on a land egg. There are such barriers as Zuhause außerhalb Hamburgs. Fraaß about the Hund: “Buddy came as a convalescent in the Hamburg Animal Protection Association and the like now after a successful test of being a responsible home. The active Wonneproppen are typically a firmer Bollerkopf, who likes to kiss and save for a long time.” By using the files, the gold of the only listener for the Hamburger Hundegesetz is no longer as gefährlich. Raised blesser Rasse braucht der zukünftige Halter dennoch een behördliche Erlaubnis. Laut Behörde muss Buddy Maulkorb und Leine lagen.


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Dirk is one of those who only wear a halter


Dirk doesn’t come with a clear feeling and such after a good person.

Hamburger Tierschutzverein from 1841 e. V.

The 13-year-old Terrier-Mix Dirk did not have a beautiful life before he came to Tierheim. “Dirk is in bad condition,” according to Sven Fraaß on RTL. If no adoption acceptance is possible. There is a smaller control. “If I lose my passion, my situation can be inviolable and fall into ruin.” Heißt: Before the fronts were cleared, the new Herrchen of Frauchen must have been set. The Belohnung für Halter und Hund: Then with Dirk sogar zum Kuschel-Hund. It is no longer the case that there is a caring person. Children are happy with their home life. Another Hund was possible. Nur, wen auch der Dirk zu nehmen wit.

Im video: Aufnahme-Stopp! Tierheime since full