
Wein, Sekt, Beer: 9 gefährliche Folgen, the alcohol on the inen Körper hat

Wein, Sekt, Beer: 9 gefährliche Folgen, the alcohol on the inen Körper hat

Alcohol consumption can have negative health effects for a longer period of time. There are no new ways to dry out, if you regularly consume alcoholic beverages.

1. Hirnleistung last night

Nervenzellen sterben, Hirngewebe schrumpft – that is unmittelbar zu a lesserung der Gedächtnisleistung and Konzentrationsfähigkeit, long-lasting to further Intelligenz.

2. Aufgedunsenes Gesicht

Normally alcohol is involved, but it can last a year or more. A clumsy pronunciation of the Nase is an umkehrbar.

3. Krebsriskiko-steigt

The risks to a creditworthiness, which lie in the world and the market, are in the interest of the demand, and also not just about a life-threatening person, when he encounters alcohol consumption.

4. Risk of mental health increases

Bluthochdruck, Rhythmus störungen und Herzmuskelentzündungen drhen. Wein zum Herzschutz braucht nobody, Movement is not better.

5. Life is saved

The amount of alcohol consumed by the drinker has been consumed – that’s Schwerstarbeit! Schwellungen, Entzündungen, Fettleber und Leberzirrhose drohen.

6. Geschlechtsorgane was geschädigt

Pregnant unborn lives. People look at testosterone levels, impotence is possible.

7. Those peripheral nerves take damage

Seated Hands (not first when hanging!) and gloomy Couples (etwa in the Fußen) can follow the next steps of exzessivem Alcoholconsum sein.

8. Bauchspeicheldrüse beeinträchtigt

The Bauchspeiheldrüse active in its function was the Fettverdauung-stört. Möglich sind schmerzhafte Entzündungen, Kreislauf- und Nierenversagen.

9. Stomachs and intestines were destroyed

In the case of acidic drinks, if the Krebs becomes too high, it may prevent alcohol from being consumed regularly.

As a result, Transport and Delivery of Nährstoffen were stored in Darm, the Körper no longer being able to provide access to food products.