
Tiny House as Wolkenkratzer: 39 Quadratmeter on 3 Stock Works

Tiny House as Wolkenkratzer: 39 Quadratmeter on 3 Stock Works

Tiny House as Wolkenkratzer: 39 Quadratmeter on 3 Stock Works

What Toby Sichert started as an investment project during the pandemic, will now start a series of projects: Tiny House will function as a holiday home, home and small housing construction.
Toby Sichert; Collage: Dominik Schmitt for Business Insider

Toby Sichert from Rottweil built a Tiny House Tower during the Corona pandemic.

The cloud crater in miniature format is painted on three floors as a living and staying place for bath and bedroom.

In the meantime, you can buy the Tiny House and love it as it is very self-sufficient and build your own knowledge and skills. There will be schließen and thus Wohnraum with the Fertighaus Baulücken in the German Metropoles.

Toby Sichert träumt groß: The living quarters in the German metropolises will be great, well-being and massive. Seine Lösung steht af a Grundfläche von etwa four times four Metern and ragt three Geschosse weit in the Höhe. See how the DQTower is located – a Tiny House in a high-rise format.

“My soul is such that there are only a few houses on the floor, which remain unfulfilled, and are still in cities in Berlin,” he explains in an interview with Business Insider. If all goes well, the farm can be furnished with sufficient living space in better quality baulücken. “Unsere Türme können doort hinpasses, da sie nienig Platz.”

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Sezayi is a real estate investor and factory, a Tiny House Park in construction.

After my home school I was “available” – I invested in real estate and set up Tiny Houses

The Tiny Tower started as a Corona project

Maximum 50 square meters gross, and Tiny Houses no longer believe in garden or living kitchens. If you want to open the DQTower and on the Ufer-Grundstück am Neckar gestellt.

Maximum 50 square meters gross, and Tiny Houses no longer believe in garden or living kitchens. If you want to open the DQTower and on the Ufer-Grundstück am Neckar gestellt.
Toby Sichert

The idea for the DQTower comes from the Gelernten Industriekaufmann 2020, which goes to the corona pandemic. Damals buy Sichert in seiner baden-württembergische Heimat Rottweil a small Grundstück together with Schuppen, then there is a Ferienwohnung ausbauen and vermieten will. But ‘Craftsmen were rare, Holz was very gentle, and men did not dare to meet themselves with other people. “That’s my whole plan,” he recalls.

We have started a new project in the Black Forest: If you want to save the Fachkräfte, there is a Tiny House near the Schuppen in the Neckar world. All kinds of things like an example of a model, which is a small Bauland fit. “I am such a weltweit and a smart home in China, that is because of plastic war and in Germany it is not genetically safe.”

Toby Sichert has designed and developed his own Tiny House model DQTower with those names

Toby Sichert has designed and developed his own Tiny House model DQTower called “Design and Quality”.
Toby Sichert

Also build Sichert auf eigene Faust in die Höhe. “I am skizzier with three warehouses, well-equipped for living, guesting, bathing and childcare.” Together with an architect and a repairer from Croatia, the construction company put the first prototypes into modular production in a year and built them in one piece by Schwertransport on the Autobahn after Rottweil .


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The 39-square-meter tower is stretched like a triple-storey

Either is the tower with signals 39 Square meters in Hingucker im Ort: As gray Cabinets from Aluminum, Steel, Holz and Glass überragt are the green Ufer-Landschaft. Cobwebs span Gitter and metal stripes in geometric design shapes of the facade and the colorful windows. In the bottom glass of the Schlafzimmers you can see the Crowns of the most common Bäume.

Very nice DQ Tower with a kitchen. Kundinnen and Kunden can take an individual breather.

Very nice DQ Tower with a kitchen. Kundinnen and Kunden can take an individual breather.
Toby Sichert

A modern Treppenaufgang connects the Stockwerke, the jewels of the Größe to a hotel zimmers entsprechen. We would like to enjoy a tour with a model in the Rottweil landscape, with a view of the small veranda with a glass of glass and a comfortable living environment with a kitchenette.

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Boat owner Marcel Neugebauer is dressed in a white shirt in front of a wooden kitchen linoleum in his luxury houseboat.

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A stairwell is connected to the three stockworks of the DQTowers.

A stairwell is connected to the three stockworks of the DQTowers.
Toby Sichert

View general information about staying at the Obergeschoss hotel. After all, there is a completely empty bathroom anyway. For great pleasure in the floor you can see through the window and panoramic view in the view.

In the larger part of the Zwei Schlafzimmer des DQTowers you will pass a smaller Arbeitsplatz.

In the larger part of the Zwei Schlafzimmer des DQTowers you will pass a smaller Arbeitsplatz.
Toby Sichert

“Threimal more than one stacked, erlauben onem die Stockwerke, sich proud or compacten Raums free to move”, states Ich der Bauherr das Zusammenleben in DQTower vor. “Theoretically, a man can do Zumba dancing and take a book class – a man can’t do anything else.”

Schlüsselfertige bergabe nach eight Monaten

Kaum was released on the Turm in July 2022, but focuses on an unsatisfied Anfrage-Flut über Sichert. Etliche Anruferinnen and Anrufer wollen are in the Turm some way of cooking. “I don’t know, who is living with my telephone number, but I don’t know what to do with it.” The skycrazer in the mini format is a nervous attack. Also Baut Sichert kurz darauf with seiner kroatischen Partnerfabrik Kapazitäten for a series production auf.

Seit Anfang 2024 is now one of the expenditures: the order is the last years of Turm-bauen and liefer in eight months that the knowledge and the knowledge in Germany and all over Europe have spent. There is an award ceremony of 178,500 Euro for the DQTower in the Durchschnitt for Tiny Houses in Dauerwohnen. Also the Transport is a paid prize.

The guest bathroom on the earth floor offers space for a washing machine.

The guest bathroom on the earth floor offers space for a washing machine.
Toby Sichert

Ihren DQTower empfangen de freshgebackenen eigentümerinnen und eigentümer am Ende schlüsselfertig mitsamt der Möbel. Selbst organizes more than once in the Baugrundstück, the Baukran zum Aufstellen, the installation of Wasser- and Stromanschlüssen in Erdreich – and the general paintahren. Construction of Bauämter has started with the setting up of Tiny Houses at a small item in Allen Nachbarschaften.

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A heated air conditioning of the DQTower

A Bonuspunkt, so Sichert, is the Foundation. If all goes well, the Turm will stand on four Säulen kann, or the Boden version will become a must. “The Gebäude can be created after a certain period of time and another one will be established,” explains the Erfinder.

The first DQTower in Rottweil is more interesting in terms of viewing times.

The first DQTower in Rottweil is more interesting in terms of viewing times.
Toby Sichert

Weil der Baugrund can cause no damage and the steel-glass construction can bridge years, while the DQTower is a construction technical project. The integrated repairer of Heizen and Herunterkühlen is a hot water pump that causes a good operation on the water.

Das Tiny House als Studi-Wohnheim?

“Käuferinnen and Käufer can use the house as a capital asset and as a source of income. Other important digital nomads, who have the best time in Australia, as their home base and reporting address. “You can leave your home, you can travel,” describes Sichert seine Zielgruppe.

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A university town and a larger university see potential in it: ‘My vision is a reckless loss, a quick and uncomplicated living space to buy – it is for students in Munich or for the employees of companies who quickly require additional living space.’

Toby Sichert has sold the housing development in a small office building.

Toby Sichert has sold the housing development in a small office building.
Toby Sichert

Sichert will start the Mangel and Fachkräften with the DQTower. “In many cities there are large firms with a lot of leisure time, we would like to live there in the future,” he explains. “These residents can purchase good living space for their Azubis on four four-metre large green areas.”

It is still unclear whether the DQTower is concerned with innovation. Before the German Großstädte is erobert, it is a question of a question in the Alltag. The first use is a Monaten at Sichert ein.