
Annalena Baerbock: “Machen einen guten Job!” Außenministerin begeistert with simpler Geste

Annalena Baerbock: “Machen einen guten Job!” Außenministerin begeistert with simpler Geste

With a single thought, Annalena Baerbock brought the Netz to Jubeln into action. Am Internationalen Tag der Gebärdensprache veröffentlichte die Außenministerin einen beonderen Fotogruß. The comments are made on the prepared responses.

  • Annalena Baerbock Verzückt met Fotogruß on Instagram
  • The power of the minister on the international label of the brand name
  • simple Geste der Grünen-Politikerin sortt für Jubel

Annalena Baerbock has found a new Instagram page for Aufruhr in Netz. Am Internationalen Tag der Gebärdensprache on 23. September öffentlichte de Außenministerin a new Photo, auf welchem ​​​​sin particulares Zeichen with ihrer Hand formt. Daumen, Zeigefinder and the small Finger are spread out, with the Mittel-sowie der Ringfinger zur Faust bent since.

Annalena Baerbock has become simpler on Instagram

“Heute ist der international Tag der Gebärdensprache. 70 Millionen Menschen weltweit since gehörlos. The three Buchstaben ‘I’, ‘L’ and ‘Y’ are the Gebärde for ‘I love you’ – as special Zeichen of Solidarität”, wrote Annalena Baerbock in the photo, if you have a look in sight and an elegant, blue color. “And for the rest of the Grüße from New York, where the General Assembly of the Vereinten Nationsen began and merged the entire World,” he said.

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Lob for Annalena Baerbock’s Post and her politics

Slide to the page and discover a short video clip in which the workers from Annalena Baerbock’s team fall asleep with their “I love you” gestures with their hand shaper. On the Instagram page, Annalena Baerbock and the team from Netz Großen Zuspruch are active. No heart emojis were found in the comments on the comments:

  • “Thank you to your loved ones, who are in the class of our children with a child with a handicap, who have lived with the children’s children, and are a beautiful child.”
  • “So a young team”
  • “Thanks for the post. Inclusion and value assessment are important themes, the pride of war not in forgetfulness will last longer. My power is our population Sorge, if these people comment on this.”
  • “Sie en ihr Team machen einen good Job.”

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