
In lederhosen and with Lieblingsmensch: “Gossip Girl” star Ed Westwick

In lederhosen and with Lieblingsmensch: “Gossip Girl” star Ed Westwick

Moment mal … den kent we yet? Yes, and ob! At “Almauftrieb” in the legendary Käfer-Wiesn-Schänke said on September 22 but tatsächlich Schauspieler Ed Westwick (37). Genau, THE Ed Westwick. “Chuck Bass” from the series “Gossip Girl”, while we have never played so well.

“XOXO Gossip Girl” – Ed Westwick of Wiesn

Ed ist seit Wochen schon in Europa unterwegs, voor allem in bella Italia. Dort was born on August 23. Amy Jackson (32) is heir. When I’m watching, I’m sitting on the cradle – who is it, in the pull. Unusual view. If you have a problem, this is not the case.

And was it the intention that they both went to Oktoberfest? The answer is in the video above.

Was it the love of Simone Ballack and Oliver Pocher?

Simone Ballack (48) has a problem with Wiesn. It’s fun to have a beige glitter dirndl at the party. The Schleife has found links – the end of time, that’s still not the case.

Anyway, who often wages a war, can do one thing, but spontaneously on the Bahn-werfen. Oliver Pocher (46) with Beispiel, who is busy ending the Flirtlaune war. Auf seine Typisch Pocher-Art ließ is a charm (and Sarcasm) that plays out – and that Simone Ballack brought a little from the Konzept. Jetzt has der Olli mich erwischt. Eiskalt erwischt”, written on What do you want to say, but nachhaken: Were Oliver Pocher a serious party?

The answer is in the video.