
“Viel steht auf dem Spiel, auch die Unversehrtheit von Menschen”

“Viel steht auf dem Spiel, auch die Unversehrtheit von Menschen”

Entsetzen über farbattacke auf Joe Chialos Haus, the Zerstörung eines Ai-Weiwei-Kunstwerk and the kitchen of the photographers Martin Parr: That is our Presseschau am Dienstag


Entset over the Farb attack on the Grundstück of the Berliner Kultursenators Joe Chialo said Ulrike Knöfel in “Spiegel”. The protest against the war in the Nahost-Krieg will be smeared on the private home of the CDU politicians among other things with the written “Genocide Joe Chialo”. Daran, if the senator can no longer flee, the Knöfel of the Kulturbetrieb is guilty:In two weeks’ time, the Massaker will be held on October 7, 2023 in Israel, which will be part of the community in this country. The culture, one of Germany’s, could be an echo of these conflicts – a broader and anti-Israel push could be taking place in the Israeli leadership. In today’s academic world, anti-Semitism has been in vogue for a long time, as a result of cool art on the left, it has become a thing of the past since many people have legal rights and are mainstream.”Fell on the stakes, on the Unversehrtheit von Menschen. Spätestens da sollte der Spaß an Stimmungsmache and blutroten Aktionen endlich aufhören.” This is “because it is not fair” if I pay attention to Rüdiger Schaper in the “day mirror” – and profezeit harte Zeiten für Chialo, as well as others Gründen: “A cultural senator with police protection. That is not in Berlin nor nicht. The fight against anti-Semitism with the problems of culture in the public is not tun. Aber but here must Chialo Nervenstärke zegen .Seit Monaten would be very special, whoever Culture Senator de angekündigte kürzung von womöglich zehn Prozent umsetzt; auch das ein Novum.” Joe Chialo comes himself in the “Süddeutschen Zeitung” z Word. The conversation with Peter Laudenbach never ended, but he said it was like this: “What happened was the clear signal of a radicalized environment, a small group that is looking for violence to permeate its opinion. The signal says: We know where you live is a new stage of escalation.” The Culture Senator says in his conversation that he has given the greatest support to the Neuköllner Kulturzentrum Oyoun, one of which is now a lawsuit. Auf de Frage, was sich Oyoun aus Chialos Sicht zu Schulden kommen lassen hat, answertet dieser: “The red line is for my überschRITen, wenn man sich antidemokratischer Mittel zur Durchsetzung eigener Positionen served. Wenn Menschen bestimmter Gruppen, zum Beispiel Menschen jüdischer Herkunft, There are several differences and things that you can do, if you withdraw and cancel after knowing that this happened at the Oyoun center.”

Director Francis Ford Coppola saw the US in the form of government before its end. “Today America is Rome, and it is worth starting to invent the green world, which the Republic lost and has an imperial end”, says the American magazine “The Hollywood Reporter” in the 85 Monday in New York, where the film “Megalopolis” was re-examined. In Germany the film cinema starts on 26. September. Coppola’s new science fiction film has a grim aim for the Roman Empire. There is a city, which is called a city in New York and a “New Rome”. Adam Driver played a visionary seeker named Cesar Catilina. Coppola lobs himself: “It was very surprising to make a film about America as Rome, which will be made in a few months”. The Roman Republic was founded in 44 BC. of Julius Caesar, he would have died, as he himself would be a Diktator during his life. Kurz davor sei Rom “so wohlhabend” gewesen and the senators who are now neither single-minded for their own interests, are clear Coppola dem Magazin. “Nun, that is a passion for her passion. Our Senators and our Abgeordneten are all rich and play with their own power, anstatt the Land leiten, and then since we are in Gefahr, they are lost.” I am expecting a new president in the US on November 5. Former President Donald Trump tried to activate current President Kamala Harris.


There is an Ausstellungs-Eröffnung von Ai Weiwei in Bologna a man has a Porzellan vase from the Künstlers zerstört – be willing, who the police has destroyed. If the suspects are a kind of 57-years from the Czech trade, they are understood as artists and will have found a whirling Werke. Whoever has done the “Artnet” best, has had the time in the spätere Vandale to the Eröffnung angesprochen and aufgefordert, while his Reason more Sides Notes of the Man vorzulesen – was what Ai abgelehnt habe. It is a question of Chinese art as “Chaos”. Also Ai Weiwei himself can do more with the equipment of works of art. Who the curator of the exhibition in Bologna, Arturo Galansino, referred to as “Artnet”, says, does not die with the Vorfall at the Vernissage zu tun: “The disruption, the Ai Weiwei in their works, is a warning for the injustice and injustice, which is excreted by Machthabern. You anyway, with those problems and sins that you can encounter, an impure pen begins to notice them, compensation is Artists, Works, Thinkers and Institutions damaged.”


The British photographer Martin Parr Without green colors – that’s where Katharina Cichosch is in the “taz” party. I am Photography forum in Frankfurt am Main When the time from the Schwarz-Weiß-Serie of the Künstlers has been released, this is a smashing Ästhetik edition. Die Frage, die inhergeht, answered der Urheber thann am liebsten gleich selbst: “Before the journalists get to work on the presentation of the show in their fragments, Parr explains how one can spare oneself: ‘Ob ich jedels weer black-white photography – ich werde nicht!’ And then it is so that Kichern, if the man can imagine himself, will probably enjoy the photographers, when a fundamental legend is walked, when he scurries, often his motive is founded.”

The special Baby Nilpferd

Who knows the Social media hype a Thai Nilpferd-Baby “Moo Deng” in few days of warm weather? Darüber Kracht sich Isa Farfan with “Hyperallergic” feelings. In the Rekordzeit during the last episode, rosy shiny Mini-Hippo schließlich a team of Karriere von Knuddel-Memes op Moo-Deng-Make-up-Tutorials bis zu Rezepten, die man das Tierchen can use. It is worth noting that the zoo has a real security facility. “Jetzt hat Moo Deng de verschiedenen Stadien des Internet-Ruhms durchlaufen,” wrote Isa Farfan. “This muster gilded for the Brat Summer, the green memes started, the queer fan community of Charli XCX curated, and finally, that NATO ‘Frieden* in Brat-Grün’ posted and Kamala Harris’ Campaign in the scheme Als being my own boss, one of his undisputed Nilpferds has become the expert on Pop-Tarts and Sephora Thailand and trained in a network of influencer tutorials on social media marketing it’s cool and business like to pass the time.”