
DAX nimmt Rekordjagd wieder auf ()

DAX nimmt Rekordjagd wieder auf ()

Exporter to Hoffnung from China
As the mood in the German economy continues to gain insight, the exporter will come to her hope and help from afar. China is closing the money policy, providing the banks with money and will exclude the real estate sector under the arm. Long one of the waiting lists in China, which has caused prices and risks to fall, the times for real estate savings at Konsum will last longer. With most of the old people, the government in Peking will leave China by the trust their own citizens as foreigners and finally the investors in the economic power.

Read the market commentary by Jürgen Molnar, Capital Market Strategist at Robomarketsfor.

In the German Wirtschaft, where you can find everything in the car industry if you want to warn a manufacturer of whistles in China, you can breathe new life into it. Rising prices in China and Asia will tomorrow provide a plus at DAX, which will follow the prices at the 19,000er Mark nimmt. If you call on another Kaufsignaal throughout the year in the last century, you can do this. When it comes down to it, it is one of the cattle of Mark who first made a rigid Konsolidierung-kommt, when he prepares himself and deepens himself, in the way he jumps.

The only guideline is the other Freud. The Pleite des Reisekonzerns FTI is looking for competitors TUI for rising booking fees. The profit will be raised in the laufenden case a 25-year-old. The leidgeplagten activities are here the first signal that the criticism and capital increase are now on the right track. The action must be worth seeing the euro, a potential that is free.

The logistics group DHL will increase its turnover by 50 percent by 2030. There are hierarchies and efficient cost management that help the margins. Faster and more profitable look, if they think of it, they die on the stock exchange.

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