
Francis Ford Coppolas “Megalopolis” in Kino: Fiebertraum in goldenem Nebel

Francis Ford Coppolas “Megalopolis” in Kino: Fiebertraum in goldenem Nebel

I have changed into 85 by the American Regie-Altmeister who realizes a big brain project. This ergebnis is bizarre and fascinating

Teilst du myine Vision? Cäsar (A. Driver) and Julia (N. Emmanuel) look at New Rome (Photo: Constantin Film)

Do you want to have an empire zucund? Bricht is in a sad moment in itself? No. Aber es comemt aine Zeit, in der seine Einwohner nicht longer en glauben.’ The strong spirit of Laurence Fishburne as philosophizing Erzähler führt in the Welt of “Megalopolis” ein. The new work by 85 American American directors Francis Ford Coppola is a mix of Politthriller, Experimental film and Science-Fiction-Epos.

More like a Zukunftswelt with an article about an Art Parallel Universe, which is based on the Transitions: The American Republic, we are proud of it, but it is not yet part of the Roman Empire. Auch der Stadt New Rome (lies: New York) began to leave the world, when power overcame a man himself.

And read Coppola again The film entitled “Fabel” has fallen or has been swept away by the storm after Oz, here is a true New York with romantic inflows: There is a Colosseum, the men wear Caesar cuts (the short top-dressing, as one knows from statues), the women wear gold jewelry. The clothing is inspired by the tunic and is becoming increasingly attractive, perhaps another fashion element of the 20th century. Jahrhundert with futuristic textiles.