
Kleinwagen rammt Jugendlichen – Fahrer flüchtet

Kleinwagen rammt Jugendlichen – Fahrer flüchtet

Part of the experience in Lindenthal is a young talent who in the 17th century has produced several treatises. But the driver fled, without him I came to him.

The Kölner Polizei like the Fahrer one of the black Kleinwagens. On Donnerstag, September 19, a youthful event took place and all went well. You will be honored by the disaster at 16 o’clock in the Lindenthalgürtel, as well as by the youth of your own home if you are more than happy to take over the Herderstraße. Der Gesuchte soll de Jugendlichen mit seinem Wagen ergasst and then seine Fahrt über de Herderstraße fortgesetzt haben, ohne sich um das Unfallopfer zu kümmern.

Der 17-Jährige erlitt Prellungen, Schürfwunden und een Gehirnerschütterung. The police are now no longer aware of the Unfalls, the fear of the return and the volatile Fahrer has become unbearable. Contact the Ermittler under the number 0221/229-0 or by e-mail: [email protected].