
Rapid President Alexander Wrabetz does not see “fans as a derby problem”

Rapid President Alexander Wrabetz does not see “fans as a derby problem”

With stadium bans and the Entzug der Mitgliedschaft, the quick matches after the Wiener Fußball-Derby in Austria have started with football reactions. It is possible that Rapid-Präsident Wrabetz will play in their own stadium two days after the scandalous Vorfällen. With four derbies and guests, the clubs of both clubs can agree on that.

“That Böller, Bengals, Raketen on women and children were shot, is an absolute No-Go. If the Platz is sturmt and another use is made of it, it is a No-Go. It is no longer the case that football and the schon gar nicht Rapid, under the damage extreme. The image that was generated by the game, was one of the fast proposals of football. The crossing of the Red Line becomes a real sanction”, Wrabetz concreted.

Just another world

Transparent who “Tod und Hass dem FAK” has not fallen for anything. “Bestimmte Dinge lost man in (Fan)Block. It is a mistake if the Vereinsführung darum kümmert, such as Wrabetz dazu. Auch Pyrotechnik für Choreografien will never appear in the Stadium. “There are clear rules that define final contents. “Das war am Sonntag nicht das Thema“, meinte er.

The Club Chief who sits with the Schlussspfiff in the box of the siege jubilee is on the road after a power that radiates Chaos. “In den zwei, drei Minuten, die man runtergeht, war die Welt eenine zijn”, erzählte er. Allerdings hat Wrabetz notes “a change in the situation in the last one or two years” in the derbies. Missbräuchliche Verwendung von Böllern and Bengal have an intensive effect.

Wrabetz wies darauf hi, dass in die sechs Saison-Heimspielen davor mit 125.000 Zuschauern keine gravierenden Vorfälle pasert since. Conclusion: “Wir didn’t have a fan problem, I didn’t have a security problem, it was a derby problem.”

“Vom überwiegenden Teil der active Fanszene nicht geißen”

40 to 50 Rapid-Anhänger is one of the Ausschreitungen-beteiligt, for Wrabetz a “verschwindende minority, after the bad situation”. It is certain that it is “in the active fans that a part of the time is not good”. When the identification of the bond between both takes place, the huts will fall with the behöden that go together.

With the Beschluss, in the next four Derbys that are guest fans, the time will take care of the maßnahmen, a little Skandale can avoid. “Mauptpunkt ist, wir wollen die Sicherheit unserer Stadionbesucherstellen. We are going to have a lot of fun, but we are not able to celebrate this day. We would not have any problems with our security measures. We have 250 Security Officers, who are always responsible for security-relevant Maßnahmen,” says Wrabetz.

Sicherstellen, that’s the truth of the matter

It is gilded for the joint work with the police. “The police have to play a slow role, when the drive for cutting off is dying. Before you did it first, it was passive. If you all think about who you want to help, then there is a solution that will not work in the future”, explained the former ORF General Director.

That your man is not guilty of being guilty of man. “Wir wollen, that is our Player and the Trainerteam unburdened by irgendwelchen Things, which rundherum passioneren, play können. In the game and the trainer, players are faced with the battle against the sieges. Das wollen wir nicht,” says Wrabetz.