
‘Galileo Galilei’ on ZDFneo in Livestream…ureihe

‘Galileo Galilei’ on ZDFneo in Livestream…ureihe

Today, 25.09.2024, “Galileo Galilei” is on TV. When and where you can find the documentary series “Revolutionär der Wissenschaften”, you can read here. Watch: All information about Livestream and the Wiederholung see an overview of the next TV term of “Galileo Galilei”.
If “Galileo Galilei” were to match “Revolutionary of the Sciences” in the fall, so it would be 04:55 O’clock At ZDFneo it is a fact that the transmission is completed. Who prefers digital broadcasting: ZDFneo offers a live stream online and.

“Galileo Galilei” on TV and livestream with “Revolutionär der Wissenschaften”

Galileo Galilei gilded as a founder of modern science and as a researcher one of the greatest Skandale in the history of the Roman church. His life as a scientist began with rapid research in physics and astronomy and ended before the inquisition court: Galilei must broaden his learning. A history above the unbreakable nature of science, power and morality. Galileo Galilei has no other scientist for a historical context, for the birth of modern science, who has developed himself as well as possible and has done his best. The documentation has become dramatically dramatic in a dramatic way. Life are critical young minds, and have found experimenters who united the copper world with their prominent Bauernopfer of the Inquisition. Initially, Galileo is a new student in Pisa, who studies the winding crowns in the cathedral and comes across the Pendulum Law. See the Foundations of the first Pendulum Clocks. There is power Experiments for free fall, combined with the Pisa Tower. The optimization is with the new Linsen the Telescope from Holland and aimed as men his “eyeglass” in heaven. There is finally a world mountain hat and the Jupiter four own mouth. His observations are published in the “Sternenbotschaft” – the world’s first scientific bestseller. When the buyer has grown up, the behavior is no longer such a center of the world, while all other planets are a point of the sun. Theologians brand the idea as heretical. I am a group that has no worldview, but one of the German churches and the strengthening of power in the three three-dimensional war of Europe. Galileo with a big problem for the revolutionary world is an opaque pen and a way to walk the paths of the Ketzerei and the Seine horses in the Kirche. I am Büßerhemd muss is for the Inquisition with the blessing of the Inquisition. Since 1992 the Kirche was officially rehabilitated. The Spaltung swiss Wissenschaft and Glaube, who started the Prozess against Galileo, praised our World until now.

Do you want to re-release “Galileo Galilei” on 25.09.2024? TV Termin and ZDFneo Media Library ZDFneo

Don’t want to see “Galileo Galilei” at 04:55 anymore? We recommend that you click once in the ZDFneo media library. These can be broadcast online on TV as video-on-demand, such as streaming – one of the most popular ornaments in the garden. A re-run on TV cable has never happened at ZDFneo. As a rule, you will find the transmission to the TV broadcast online. Leader does not gold for all broadcasts.

“Galileo Galilei” on TV: All information in one Blick

Date: 25.09.2024

Bee: ZDFneo

FSK: Free from 12 years

Theme: “Documentary”

Year of production: 2021

Length: 45 minutes (from 04:55 to 05:40)

In HD: Yes

Read more about “Galileo Galilei” on TV

If you want to watch a new episode of “Galileo Galilei” on TV, you can read here:

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