
Online reports – Politik – SP, Grüne, Basta: “If we don’t have a rotten green, we will continue to have a straight regulation”

Online reports – Politik – SP, Grüne, Basta: “If we don’t have a rotten green, we will continue to have a straight regulation”

© Photo by Alessandra Paone,

Camp for a left-wing group: Oliver Bolliger, Mustafa Atici, Tanja Soland, Kaspar Sutter, Anina Ineichen (from left).

Rot-Grün started with a common slogan, apart from separate Plakaten and Budgeten in the Regierungswahlkampf.

By Alessandra Paone

Stars can express themselves in their value. The power Canela keine Ausnahme. Solo work is a mediocre enterprise, and it is here one of the controllers of the Regierungswahlkampfs of SP, Grünen and Basta in Basel.

Pünktlich zum Start der Medienkonferenz im Quartierzentrum Iselin – all Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer sit on a ihren Plätzen – Canela spaziert in this.

The Podenca-Misischling from Tierheim is the triple start of Tanja Soland and the only one who has investigated the SP-finanzdirektorin dabei. I have had a good idea of ​​the fact that I have helped Soland, after I have given a hint about one of the results of my search for an end-oriented hat. “Canela is jetzt een influence and how inzwischen, it is the note of journalists and journalists who are not active.”

Allgemeines Lachen: Der Showact is gelungen. Canela hatte ihren Auftritt, Soland auch.

Changes are not visible

Neben Soland sits in his party and director colleagues Kaspar Sutter and Mustafa Atici, the candidates of the Greens, Anina Ineichen, Basta candidate Oliver Bolliger and the presidents of the three parties in the stage. SP leader Lisa Mathys clearly stated that it was about the Wahlen in the herbal life: “If there is no rotten mehrheit, it will be a straight direction.”

With the civil director Conradin Cramer and Security director Stephanie Eymann of the LDP, the Mitte-Gesundheitsdirektor Lukas Engelberger is the free Eva Biland and Stefan Suter for the SVP and. When the bets increase the rights of the Basler FDP, the Anwalt gild as desired. GLP Baud director Esther Keller tritt ohne Bündnis an.

There will be no more big meeting on October 20th and the cantonal executive will no longer work with his sisters Sitzgewinnen for Rot-Grün, while Mathys and Co. are busy with their work. Once you are in front of the whole group, it is worth positioning everything, your profile for schärfen and candidates for the start of the Zukunft.

SP mit grösstem Budget: 160,000 francs

When the agreement is reached, SP, Grüne and Basta have a #5xZukunft black unified common slogan, but no common poster. The parties present their various jewels separately. Man needs his own base to mobilize his money.

The budgets have now been received: the social democracies, as the largest party, are investing a total of 160,000 francs in the Regierungswahlkampf, the Grünen 35,000 francs and Basta 13,500 francs.

The separate Plakat-Auftritt wider mirrors the Grossrats-Wahlkampf, at the Grüne and Basta is first since 20 years with own listening antreten. The Greens are secured with my watch All entrances at the Regierungsersatzwahlen in Frühling and otherwise at the bevorstehenden Gesamterneuerungswahlen for Ärger in rot-green Bündnis. On a Monday morning, the partners present themselves in a very harmonious way. It is the way the strategy is followed, Mathys said. All things are possible when you make a link. Mehrheit continues.

Criticism of roads Preheating

More importantly, the three heads of government have in their work “a consistent, solid, transparent financial policy” (Soland), “social responsibility and climate protection” (Sutter) and a “Zukunft durch Bildung” (Atici) goals. Soland focuses on a strong Service Public. Careful service management, including information about the implementation of maintenance measures, is essential for all health and safety.

Economic, Social and Environmental Director Sutter extends the commitment of departments to climate protection. The Ausbau der Fernwärme during the IWB is an extensive plan. All things shift the SP-Regierungsrat, that’s the way forward for unmutt sortt. Not all Besitzerinnen and Besitzern von Liegenschaften in Basel-Stadt were given a Fernwärmeanschluss. The Mitte Grossbasel-West section has launched a submitted petition. You can cross the Einzug von Fernwärme in the area of ​​the Holeestrasse and Spalenring bis zur Grenze Binningen and Allschwil.

Since the Wahlkampf inside of the best time has achieved the best results, it is possible that he starts as the new department of the Erziehungs-departements (ED). Dieser sei durchaus gelungen, says there. Das ED and its theme see “a glücksfall”. Anyway, it is a child and family life. “Das is mij Thema.” Der Focus in those years will become clear at the Weiterentwicklung of the integrative Schule. There is an answer to the Grundsatz “Integration for separation”. The Basler debts seem to be as bad as they are childish, they are so. Deshalb brauche is flexible and individual gestaltungsspielraum.

Photoshoot without Cinnamon

A well-meaning undertaking that Ineichen and Bolliger set up as Governing Council and Governing Council? The Greens are candidates for the Presidential Department (PD) and want the Sitz of LDP Governing President Conradin Cramer. These can last longer, but it is not possible for everyone to be in the PD superstructure. The money is dagegenzuhalten. During the theme of climate policy, culture and culture, which is so important for care and for the social cohesion, is “fehl am Platz”, said Ineichen. “In my vision for the PD, those who were Querschnittsaufgaben were probably used as recalcitrant powers.”

A central theme in the Bolligers Wahlprogramma is the general provision. This must be stronger regional plant and gel. “The further development of our common health region brings us to the future and not the competition of the Spitäler”, said the Basta candidate with a side note to generate the health directors of Basel-Stadt and Baselland. Lukas Engelberger and Thomi Jourdan have never been to the Spitalplanung. If you are trying to reach the passage of your home, this could be a reason.

In addition to how the rune can be gedraht and is a place on the stage back. This is the time for photography. This little shock is no longer on the picture.

August 19, 2024

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“Politics with mass and extreme”

The device of the red-green “5er-Bande” is no longer usable. If there are no arguments, a rejection of the governing councils and the governing council can start glaubwürdig.

A politics with larger and more extreme left or right handers of the community is best. 3:1:3, 3 SP, 1 GLP and 3 Bürgerliche, broader mirroring of the political power relations ensures that Stadtkantons are optimal.

Bahn frei deshalb for Tanja Soland, Kaspar Sutter, Mustafa Atici, Esther Keller, Conradin Cramer, Lukas Engelberger and Stephanie Eymann. Schon im first Wahlgang.

Roland Starkum. SP-Partei- und Fraktionspräsident, Basel