
German Companies are not authorized for AI

German Companies are not authorized for AI

For the soul-oriented information of the Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in Unternehmen braucht es Angestellte with their entsprechenden Fachwissen as well as Maßnahmen zur sicheren Anwendung. Both are neither in Germany nor mangelhaft – the new representative survey “Cybersicherheit in Zahlen” by G DATA CyberDefense, brand eins and Statista. 87 Consider all aspects of people’s knowledge of their knowledge as a founding legend or perhaps even a profound one. The study “Cyber ​​Security in Zahlen” has provided an overview of a high information density and a particularly methodical relationship with cyber security topics in four years.

Know-how and experts in the field of Mangelware

The chance that the intelligent intelligence (AI) is the best to experiment and exercise your control is an unparalleled knowledge of the notorious know-how. If you are in another world legend, there is a cybersecurity fraction of G DATA CyberDefense, note a and statistical study. Only 12.8 percent of the apparently self-confident experiences as fortgeschrittener or deep-reaching experts’ knowledge. Better is a matter of people with IT background information: quickly a message about the fragmentation with larger IT security competences will be considered fortgeschrittene or experts themselves. “AI can perhaps be taken into account in the business meeting, a etwa the quality and efficiency are improved”, said Andreas Lüning, founder and chairman of G DATA CyberDefense AG. “Dafür braucht is in all teams a strong understanding of these technologies. “A lot of changes have to be made in order to ensure a secure and reliable Einsatz purchase, an AI instrument is a waste and legally useless.”

Maßnahmen zur KI-Sicherheit fehlen

There is no question of a failing science in angestellten, but if you make another study with AI, who invests the study. So you have a company that does not need any measurements for the application of AI. Every third company uses closing technologies for AI applications to protect critical data. All our debts with regard to the existing or AI guidelines are now no longer possible.

This ergebnisse is now a smaller part of the magazine “Cybersicherheit in Zahlen” of G DATA, brands and statistics. The representative of the Arbeitnehmerumfragment can continue to expand the post-processing work for four years. There are many cases in which the magazine has distributed a part of the IT security and messages on active topics, such as the fight against the international cybercrime connections or the crime of hackers, a problem that is found and loosened.

The Magazine “Cyber ​​Security in Zahlen” can be downloaded here.

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