
LUMENTUM: Heute ein Überflieger.

LUMENTUM: Heute ein Überflieger.

The Californian Group (price: $3.5 billion) is a photo and optical technology that has been developed. Optical solutions from LUMENTUM ensure fast data access in digital networks. High-frequency lasers for industrial production and 3D sensors (diode laser) for installation in mobile devices or autonomous devices are further products.

The Californian can rely on Cloud Computing in his role. After the execution of the work, the financial quarter and the gesamten of the LUMENTUM action in the American trade will be 14% of the value. It is never the case that the absolute Zeitraum is one of the basis of the AI ​​technology (“AI Transceiver”).

If Needham analyst bought the LUMENTUM price from $65 to $70, it is possible to make the best purchase.

Helmut Gellermann

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