
The Geschäftsstimmung Deutscher Unternehmen wird von IFO as dramatically abnehmend observations

The Geschäftsstimmung Deutscher Unternehmen wird von IFO as dramatically abnehmend observations

The developments in the German companies’ positions will show a different trend after the IFO.

The low of the German companies is the time that it is still a Monat, which says a survey of the IFO institutes. The pessimistic immunity has become in the German Germany, which negatively affects the situation and pessimistically influenced by its consequences.

The IFO Business Climate Index is from 87.0 points in July to 86.6 points in August, which is the institute. This immunity walk is on the positive way of acting of the employee in the active situation and his prospect of the progress of the monate back-up.

IFO President Clemens Fuest described the Lage as a “freien Fall”, where the German Wirtschaft itself was a Krise nahert. In the analysis of the business activities, a significant decline in the index is possible, because some people can deal with their active operations and new problems.

The best results for the Hersteller are a problem, with the IFO message. During the investment period there were serious heart problems, while the Geschäftsklimaindex was at an unprecedented level in February.

Auch der serviceleistungssektor erlebte een backgang in de Geschäftsklimaindex, hauptsächlich aufgrund zurückhaltenderer Erwartungen. Some messages include a small explanation of the assessment of the active situation in the single trade, which also continues to operate. The declarations of war have become especially pessimistic in the sole trade.

The construction sector, meanwhile, showed no change in the business climate index. Companies were slightly less dissatisfied with their current situation, but their expectations for the near future became somewhat gloomier, the institute explained.

The IFO-Index has received more than 9,000 reports, which were sold by Unternehmen in der Fertigung, the Service Provision, the Einzelhandel and the Bauwesen. These matters will be affected, the actual situation will be affected and the expected prospects will decrease.

The Rückgang of the IFO business climate indexes said that a positive assessment of the current economy by German companies. This visual mirror is broader in the fertility sector, where people with their operations and new experiences can enjoy its use.

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