
Ehemalige Bandidos schließen sich Hells Angels en: Machtverschiebung in der Rockerszene NRW – Deutschland –

Ehemalige Bandidos schließen sich Hells Angels en: Machtverschiebung in der Rockerszene NRW – Deutschland –

Bandidos appear at the Hells Angels.

Bandidos appear at the Hells Angels.
©Symbol photos: AP, EPA, Montage: VOL.AT

This first phase of life is one of the power transfers recorded in the “Rocker History”, which is one-sided. The police warn of an escalation.

2010 saw the Hells Angels and Bandidos in Deutschland öffentlichkeitswirksam Frieden. (Photo:

Bandidos appear at the Hells Angels

Die Rockerszene is a historical walk. After the Verboten der Bandidos in Deutschland im Jahr 2021 schließen sich nun kostenlos ehemalige Mitglieder de vereindeten Hells Angels an. Experts warn of a new escalation of the walt in the region.

After Razzia: “Bandidos” became verboten

Machtverschiebung in der Rockerszene

The war in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia was a central platform for American rival rock groups for a year. After the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the “Bandidos Motorcycle Club Federation West” in July 2021, criminal activities were banned there, like many ex-Bandidos after new alliances. Moreover, it is one of the biggest rivals of the Bandidos.

Video: “Todsünde”: Those Hells Angels have betrayed

Rund 100 Rocker uit en 20 Bandidos-Chaptern, vorwiegend from the Ruhr area, is schlossing the Hells Angels. It’s possible that some of the most popular photos of the Hells Angels and Bandidos are worth it. Darunter says: “Thanks for the business”. Below are the images – “” message now – see if the Bandidos-Gründungsmitglied are finished.

Rocker in Visier: Weapons Fund for the “Bandidos”

The police are concerned

The German police have watched the developments in the Rockers with concern. Especially in the cities of Duisburg, Düsseldorf and Cologne, you can call the Hells Angels active in the Münsterland and East Westphalia. The bandits of the Hells Angels can use their new territorial conflicts and rolled flights. Prepared in the demise, the two groups of the black criminals came into the picture in the sense of rivalry, which also led to murder.

A police officer responded to the “Rheinische Post”: “The heavy rocker generation is no longer as strong as the Kodex.” The machine is unreachable and high on the risks for escalation. “Before, the Überlaufen was a death sentence. The middle field is that aufgeweicht.”

Switching off on the Rockersscene

The show of power in the rockers changes dramatically. With the Eingliederung ehemaliger Bandidos-Mitglieder the Hells Angels want to establish their control over the Ruhr area and the adjacent regions. This change can yield the best results by using the Rockergruppen. (FULL AT)