
Pandas are a betchen of their own

Pandas are a betchen of their own

Good Morning, Schlafmütze! In the Zoo-Decken it is better than the intestine

Good Morning, Schlafmütze! In the Zoo-Decken it is better than the intestine Photo: Berliner Zoo

By Johannes Malinowski

The kuscheligen incubator is used for the Panda-Zwilling in a real bet. And this hat for the smaller Queen-Size-Maße!

With the Pandas it is a human-geschwistern: the small things shift, the bigger ones become new. So also with the round two quadratmeter big bed. The Zoo-Handwerker 2019 has started with the Zwillinge Pit and Paule. Now sees the night nameless Panda-Mädels one.

In this Bett he is placed on 25 degrees

In this Bett he is placed on 25 degrees Photo: Berliner Zoo

Both Minis look more like the right Pandas. So it is not that the typical black color of the product is developed, but the weight of the weight is more like insurance. The Schwestern currently weighs 1694 or 1650 Grams.

If you bought both Pandas in the Bett, you would finally be born with their brother Pit and Paule

If you bought both Pandas in the Bett, you would finally be born with their brother Pit and Paule Photo: Berliner Zoo

“If you change your mind, you can understand your sound and adjust your temperature accordingly,” says Kurator Dr. Florian Sicks. “It is no longer the case that the warm ink cartridges are heated and the German geräumigere Bett is now used.”

Both youngsters bring in more than a kilo on the Waage

Both youngsters bring in more than a kilo on the Waage Photo: Berliner Zoo

I have an inner cuddly blanket for coziness. A thermometer is still stable, if the temperature is at the new level, the temperature starts to rise at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Both Jungtiere (born on August 22) are nach wie vor abwechselnd at Muttertier Meng Meng (11) and trinken ausschließlich in ihr. If they both choose the Besucher in Panda Garden, that’s still not the case.


Berlin Zoo Panda Animals Tiergarten Zoo Berlin Zoological Garden