
Heartburn at Bachelor Dennis Gries

Heartburn at Bachelor Dennis Gries

After a few rounds Dennis and Katja must have more trennen. Who can say goodbye like that, says the bachelor with a berührenden video.

If you are a woman, you can meet the best bachelor Dennis Gries and friend Katja. When we are in Düsseldorf and both travel a distance of 580 kilometers, we see that we are now for the Kurze Zeit. Welfare promotion a remote business represents and what questions the Turtle Tauben must pose early or late, erfairt ihr here.

Ben Bahnhof trerentt! Liebe auf Distanz bei Allgäuer Bachelor Dennis and Friends Katja

Dennis Gries has now made a Sunday in a heart journey video on Instagram. He sits schon wieder im Zug, vermutlich in Richtung Heimat. If the railway guide sees neither friend Katja, the train behind dies. Both see with the hand heart. The background of the videos appeared in a piano cover of the ballad “Another Love” by Tom Odell. Whoever came up with the Bachelor of active Fernbeziehung, said the comment text to the Instagram video: “Fernbeziehung ist ein A****loch!” it writes. Was there damit meint, wird im weiteren Text clear: “Man misses sich standdig, plant Wochen im Voraus, nur um a couple of common days to live, and it makes sense that the person will fall quickly ‘auf Wiedersehen’. That Sehnsucht ist large, and manchmal is real heart, that distance to ertragen.”

Trotz Trennungsschmerz: Bachelor positive about bleiben

It is a heart for Dennis that he had a lot of fun, while Katja loves his blessing, while he looks in his positive video. So a sad separation said finally also, how grim the love between the two is. It clearly states in the message: “But proud all the hurdles said that the long-distance relationship also, how grim the connection is other, when one is prepared, through all those hardships to go. Because at the end it is worth every minute of rest.” All the way to the famous seat of Winnie Pooh: “How lucky I am that I have something that makes saying goodbye so difficult.”