
The Vorstand der Grünen Jugend will austreten aus der Partei

The Vorstand der Grünen Jugend will austreten aus der Partei

The Vorstand der Grünen Jugend will not exclude any candidates and Mitte Oktober of the Austreten Partei. It is an internal short-term and the participating and Fraktionsführung-hervor, the entire voorstandsmitglieder of the nachwuchsorganization has excluded itself. It is clear that this separation can lead to the consequences of the consequences of the partial estates.

“We notice, that is one of the strategic choices of politics, while we use other things – and glauben, that is a mediocrity in the part of a class-oriented political enterprise, the social fragmentation in the Mittelpunkt-rückt and the perspective on a fundamentally different economic system aufzeigt”, he is in the writing, which the German Press Agency also utters.

Gründung eines „dezidiert links“ Jugendverbands planted

Der Vorstand became an Amtsgeschäfte of the Bundeskongress der Grünen Jugend from October 18 to 20 in Leipzig, which the new Bundesvorstands ermöglichen en danach aus der Grünen Jugend austreten. “We are going to have a new year, we will continue to link our young people,” so that they are a good foundation.

If you do not know that a part of your existence and another politics of the world is a part of the world, as your own part, writes the Vorstand and the Parteispitze.

The Vormittag has announced the entire Bundesvorstand der Partei with the Co-Vorsitzenden Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang an der Spitze seinen Rücktritt for Mitte November. When the Bundesparteitag of the Greens took a new step, the Greens were accepted into the Bundestagswahlkampf.

Habeck: Der „Ehrlichen Debattestellen“

Federal Minister Robert Habeck started working with the Ampel Coalition in September 2025, with the SPD and the FDP moving to the Bundestagswahl in September 2025. “Man remains in control, but we are always more flexible,” said the Green politician in the Mittwochabend in ZDF. “Man brings the job to an end.” There is nothing more to worry about than the Bundestagswahl in a year when the promise is accepted, “who are now in trouble, others are dying in debt, aber the problems are not being tackled,” said Habeck. “It will be a Wahl couple, and then it will be a great Wahlergebnis machen.”

Habeck said it’s worth sharing Ricarda’s partnership and increasing the chance for a new start. That’s a must for both men. “I was not forgotten about that,” said Habeck.

If the Vice Chancellor submits a request to the delegation of the Bundesparteitages, it is a question of support for a chancellorship at the Bundestagswahl-erhofft. There is a part of the party in November, a big speech and a debate. “Every candidate, even me, if I want to be Chancellor or Lead Candidate, must then put forward a secret abstention, get a soft drink with an honest vote,” said Habeck. “If politics has the confidence, then the registration will take place, then people will put more people in the debate.”

Baerbock spoke in favor of Habeck as Kanzlercandidates

Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock hats Habeck as Chancellor candidates for the Greens at the Bundestagswahl 2025 ausgesprochen. While the Frage, by Habeck der Richtige for the Rolle sei, the Grünen-Politieke in der ARD-Sendung “Maischberger” says: “Auf jeden Fall”. There is a betrayal and redemptive effect.

Habeck is as Foreign Minister “in one of the most difficult times” German power, that is the country in the Krise führen konnte. With a click on the greatest heilsgesetz and the suspension of Russian energy after the start of the Ukraine-Kriegs said Baerbock, Habeck has prepared himself, “that it is worth it to get through the winter”.

During the 2021 Bundestag selection war, Baerbock was chosen as a candidate candidate, the Greens achieved 14.8 percent of the votes and were sucked into the Bundesregierung. For the 2025 Bundestag selection, there is a new Candidature elimination.

On the back of the Greens, Baerbock said that the separation of the parties was due to Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour, who gave their greater response. She was born in New York first thing in the morning.

The Greens are not offended in the Wahlkampf, with the person in the right atmosphere, say Baerbock and nannte as Beispiel the Unterstützung for the Ukraine. There are people who are engaged in reflection and people who have new wool offers for the Bundestagswahlkampf. Before the next party participated, it became a “all in a larger group of Robert Habeck”, as team strategic and fragmented colleagues.