
Last minute? Wasn’t a Urlaub drinker in the autumn

Last minute? Wasn’t a Urlaub drinker in the autumn

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Last minute? Wasn’t a Urlaub drinker in the autumn
Goldene Stunde auf Santorin: The Greek Island is a credible Reiseziel in Herbst. © Philipp Laage/dpa-tmn

In few weeks we start in the first Bundesländern wieder Schulferien. Viele Familien mit Kindern sees it in the South. Traveling is a short journey, now that the island is narrow.

Hannover/Düsseldorf – After the summer holidays comes the autumn holidays: In late September, in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, the female and male students are free. The other states with herbal holidays follow on the October break. When the family is no longer for the family, it is a bigger undertaking that does not even become an exit – but still a man is brought in who breaks the exit.

Strandurlaub am Mittelmeer is located in the Herbstferien Hochkonjunktur, so a speaker of Tui. Germany’s largest travel agent has its own country in Turkey, Greece and Spain, and also in the Egyptian flu and hotel capacities. After the insolvency of FTI, the man has bought 75,000 additional holiday packages for the herbal holiday alone. If you are concerned with the liberal statements about the einstigen-mitbewerbers, you are advocating a war in June.

Buchungszahlen since hoch – Flexibility of Vorteil

The Nachfrage is laut Tui hoch. You can do the best at Konkurrent Alltours. “These Herbstferien are here in such a grim village. There are reports about all Ziele-hinweg nor Restkapazitäten“, teilt der Düsseldorfer Veranstalter mit. Were flexible at Hotel and Flugzeiten sei, became fündig in jedem Fall. Airline and hotel benefits are increasingly being taken into account.

Zahlreiche Angebote für die Herbstferien gives es laut Alltours nor für Ziele mit Eigenanreise, wie the German Nord- and Ostseekuste, the Niederlande, Österreich and Italy.

It may happen that Greek cuisine is used

I believe I have been on the Buchungszahlen for the Herbstferien with Tui and Alltours on the Turkish Riviera around Antalya, Mallorca, the Greek Islands, the Canaries and the Egyptians.

Beach in Mallorca
Landeanflug on Mallorca: With the Schmuddelwetter in Deutschland zu entfliehen, see it in October on the Balearic Islands. © Andrea Warnecke/dpa-tmn

Particularly on the Greek Islands, the Angebot jetzt handsome, so the Tui-Sprecher. “We are here for the holidays during the month of November and last but certainly not least with the book.” It is a good choice for the island of small kapazität for tourists in Santorin or Mykonos.

Gerade for the Greek inland is one of the best travel destinations, so the Tui-Sprecher: The lake has an older temperature, and the land is not so high anymore. There are some Einheimische machten in October, Urlaub and the Griechische Stranden.

Strandhotels is believed in der Türkei

In Turkish history it is a matter of a journey through the Anex-Gruppe with the Neckermann trip and the Bucher trip to the Turkish specialist Öger Tours. If you have not yet seen American Capital, it is so that you will never suffer from the time that you get into the German market if you believe hotels – who will see your Häuser in the first Strandlage. This can be relatively good.

The price for the Turkish airline can only be used by the airport changers, the places in the flights with the holiday resort’s backs became.

Was the last Drücker konnte

A “ausgeprägten Last-Minute-Herbst” erwartet man bei der Dertour-Gruppe, Deutschlands zweitgrößtem Veranstalter, nicht. If a last-minute cancellation has occurred, it will become “who üblich”. Der Trend is one of the most exciting books.

“Soon you can continue reading these books as long as you enjoy the book,” says Sven Schikarsky with his production manager from Dertour and the Schwestermarken ITS and Meiers Weltreisen. The Buchungseingänge is located on a vermuten, which is an ehemalige FTI-Gäste frühzeitig an alternative kümmert haben.

Also Schikarsky holds the party back: if he has no hotel party, he brings a certain flexibility to the selection, but he does not find a man really attractive. The gilded is the European sunshine for the fern stretch. Here the Indian Ocean, the United Arab Emirate, Thailand, North America and the Caribbean are fragtested.

Ferienhaus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Ferienhaus in den Dünen: The Eastern Sea has its natural charm. © Jens Büttner/dpa/dpa-tmn

Kurzfristig found a Ferienhaus?

If you are on a Ferienhaus for the Herbs, you can use the Portal HomeToGo, but this can not be done yet. Last-Minute-angebote is used if you want more, while you notice a malfunction. The longer the more, if a man on a flexible arrival date is flexible, it is not so that the classic Saturday-to-Saturday muster is stiffened. Many Providers is the portal open to check in from the week.

Auch HomeToGo see an increasing nachfrage: Die Zahl der Suchanfragen auf dem Portal für Ferienhäuser und Ferienwohnungen seit Anfang des Jahres für de Zeitraum Oktober 2024 liege um 30 Prozent höher as im vergleichbaren Vorjahreszeitraum. dpa