
Oberbayer separates itself from the world

Oberbayer separates itself from the world

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Oberbayer separates itself from the world
The Heimat continued with: Paul Piendl on his Segelboot-was and the Schriftzug Schondorf am Ammersee. Am 5. October is a Vortrag in Wirtshaus am Kirchsteig in Dießen am Ammersee. Report to [email protected] © Paul Piendl

After 1648 Tagen auf See kehrt Paul Piendl in sein Heimatdorf Schondorf zurück. Seine Reise führte at once in the world, with perhaps Abenteuern and Herausforderungen.

Seinen Hausschlüssel hatte Paul Piendl 1648 Tage bei sich, aber as er nach mehr as vier Jahren voor seinem Zuhause in Schondorf am Ammersee stand, Macht Freilich die Mama die Tür auf. Finally Daheim! Seit 13. War of March 2020 Paul Piendl continues with a Segel boat, a bit in the world. There is a mother, the house is a stellte fest, everything is as good as it comes to bringing up – then it goes into the Wirtschaft, Kässpatzen essence. “Everything is war, whoever,” it says.

Upper Bavaria says in the world: “I am glad I lived in this moment.”

Paul Piendl is 26, a sailboat builder, under the name Welt. With the blessing is a meter long sailing yacht Wasa eroberte is the ocean. Shortly before Corona the world is laying, drives in March 2020 with a Spezl in Lagos, Portugal. It is a matter of time that the boat becomes a new Deckanstrich, changes Nieten and, and, and. Chaos and Board! There is a bald spot. “I think that I have driven in the Moment to Hause to Schondorf, how I come forward, that I am in my bed and my Vorhaben forgotten”, it writes there. However, when we start, our friends are the first step in the Kanaren.

The first visit to Curacao: Paul Piendl with his Eltern.
The first visit to Curacao: Paul Piendl with his Eltern. If you know more, there are friendships and relationships. © Piendl

Freilich was wanted, hang two days over the railing. The canines play the Segler schlecht. Bei besonders großen Wellen change the water on the Tisch. Aber die Freunde gewöhnen sich daran. Nächstes Ziel: Französisch-Guyana, South America. After 18 days, two Stunden and 4678 kilometers on the Atlantic Ocean, it is first a beer and a bar. The Trio did not play in the Karibik, but traveled the Freunde ab. Piendl is the first mold alone.

I have my thoughts: Where do I live?

Besuch von den Eltern op Curaçao

There comes a visit to Curacao Visit of his parents. “That was important, first of all for my mother”, said that there was after his back. The other women in the wash and see, no matter how long the everyday is, it is so that it can happen a little if you are one of them. This is a new standard that people know, but Segler gets an art event with or such jobs in a country. So finances the Schondorfer his trip. He also comes to donate on his homepage.

(Overview: Our Bayern newsletter informs you about all important events from Bavaria.)

Paul Piendl angels, more, less interested, back Bread and sogar Cakes, cuts Gemüse, before it is bad. If you repair the boot, it is a matter of a long meter long. If steep Wellen-schläft is a bad, then it is the laune-mittelprächtig. Absolutely. It goes further, even longer. Central America, through the Pacific. French Polynesia! If the war starts quickly, Piendl says that his back is often fragmented to the favorite place. Next stop Australia, Indonesia, Maldives. Paradise.

A good angle.
A good Fang. © Paul Piendl

If you are in a dangerous situation. In February 2023, there is von Male to Djibuti in East Africa on. There is more information about the pirates or the Huthi-Milizen. Trotzdem will dare the Tour through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea die. Often wrapped in fear. Andauernd grift is zum Fernglas and the like of the Horizont ab. Manchmal is a disguised man on Boats, after he has received Fischer, who for his son schützen and coughing a water-bitten is. Then sees an explosion in the washer.

Piendl is in a bad situation

On Day 23 auf See a flight over the head. When the American army fights a battle with the Huthi hat. Three Totes. “That was really intense,” he said. And the short thereafter the mast breaks. There is a country. In the middle of the desert his boat of people, who are not understood, is repaired. Experiences who have these in his imprinted. When Paul Piendl has a strange situation in the everyday, he will have a number of passions.

Paul Piendl in Vanuatu.
Paul Piendl in Vanatu. © Paul Piendl

Weiter, through the Suez Canal, Zypern, finally zurück in Europe! The end has been reached. If you want to know more about what is there: Warum ich ich mir das all an? “It is not always easy to accept the consequences,” writes Anfang Juli. “Aber ein Blick in my Fotoalbum auf dem Handig bring my best but die erhoffte Erleuchtung: A traditionaleller Tanz in Melanesien, Lagerfeuer under Palmen in Zuid-pazifik, the surrender of the Indian Ozeans with my Kumpel Jannis and my Vater or das Tauchen with Rochen en Haien auf den Maldives.” Dafür hat sich der Aufwand, die Entbehrung, die Verzweiflung geohnt.

Few places, bigger hunger: Paul Piendl beim Kochen auf der Wasa.
Few places, bigger hunger: Paul Piendl beim Kochen auf der Wasa. Often the Angel is out. © Piendl

If the Weltumsegelung in Lagos, Portugal, would finally be his Father, a blessing Schwestern, Friends on him. “I could see it as bald”, he remembers. In the harbor there is drink, music, finally the soul. It was a purchase that has never been made, but it takes a long time before you see it. With the money sparrow, the mountain of debt is a new start. Do you know what? Paul Piendl has financed a job, which has spent the four years. The Bootsbauer started in October with a company to organize a rally in the Atlantic Ocean. There is a Truppe-vorausegeln. Danach will probably study, in England an Art Studium zum Yacht-Gutachter is founded. The first thing that happened was the time of day. There will be bald on the Starnberger See and the Chiemsee. This is not the case.