
Traktion für nachhaltige bioplastic in healthcare

Traktion für nachhaltige bioplastic in healthcare

Die in Darmstadt ansässige BIOVOX GmbH, Vorreiterin nachhaltiger Biokunststoffür medizinische Anwendungen, hat bekanntgegeben, dat sie hre Seed-Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe of 2,2 Millionen Euro efolgreich abgeschlossen hat. Running the Runde vom High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) under the largest Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH (BMH) and a Gruppe bestehender and new Investors, Darunter Auxxo, Otto Braun, Petra Wörwag and Katharina Klohe are better at guiding the Business Angel Clubs ventures and der Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain. The investment is light and BIOVOX, innovative bioplastic solutions that develop and produce, a regional economy in the health sector that is separate.

Transformation of Gesundheitswesens in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit

The average value of 4.4 percent of the production of gas emissions by a plastic is for a part of the responsible herb, an etwa with the Swedish representation or the German comparable ist. Plastic medical products, only for a ​​maluse, are irreplaceable, a high hygiene standard and a production capability that is a prudent price for ermöglichen. If you let loose the common world of a linear Wirtschaft on the fossil resources of the Grundlage, while the Borders exceed a sunken planet – schon allin one of the biggest problems with the multiplication.

BIOVOX is a critical problem with a CO2-intensive linear economy in health care and, in the same way, the world’s first sustainable bioplastics in medical quality for equipment and packaging that are excellent. As more and more biocompatible and sustainable plastic products are produced, the high regulatory standards of today and tomorrow are spread.

The active ingredients are biobased, tested for their biological safety, are tested according to ISO 13485 and medical quality management systems from BIOVOX develop and repair and reduce CO2-Footprint on the total food chain of 50 to 85 percent in comparison to original fossils Medical grade plastics. BIOVOX bioplastic is a knitting palette of medical, pharmaceutical and laboratory preserves, sustainable materials, electronic items, packaging items, surgical instruments and endoscopy equipment. The materials used strengthen regulatory standards and are aimed at higher quality and patient safety.

BIOVOX is working on one of the most sustainable market and standard products for bioplastic compounds from residual raw materials in 2021. More than 50 years ago, the industry leader in medical technology, together with BIOVOX, found a very friendly product and packaging unit for the general health of the company. An expert can launch his first product with BIOVOX material on the market.

Thanks to the merged financing, BIOVOX, under the leadership of founder and machine construction engineer CEO Julian Lotz, CTO Vinzenz Nienhaus and COO Carmen Rommel, can now be the leading manufacturer and its own technology center, and the sales and customer follow-up team outside of it.

“When the new and best investors are found, the organizations are calibrated, one of the skills that they can use, that can be used for our sustainable materials. Our products have become a strong market and a full product pipeline. You can use the financial resources, uhm If you are no longer knowledgeable about one of the most enjoyable product palettes that the Kreislaufwirtschaft has, it is so that you can use the traction for sustainable plastics in healthcare. Dr.-Ing. Julian Lotz, Geschäftsführer der BIOVOX GmbH.

“With BIOVOX financing with a team of visionaries, technological brilliance and deep-seated understanding of Regulatory Affairs revolutionize the development of sustainable plastics for the Life Science Industry. They do not only speak the language of customers, impressed by their hereditary pilot projects in their best solutions and a product brought to the market2-Fußabdrucks im Gesundheitswesen would be enormous and with vom HTGF since stolz, a technology for a better environment zu unterstützen and carefree health zu machen ” Tilmann Petersen, investment manager at HTGF.