
Überfall: Gruppe überfällt Jugendlichen in Bad Homburg

Überfall: Gruppe überfällt Jugendlichen in Bad Homburg

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Overfall: A 14-year anniversary was recorded in Bad Homburg. (Symbol image)
A 14 year anniversary was recorded in Bad Homburg. (Symbol image)
© Marijan Murat/​dpa

A Youth Group has another Teenager in it Bad Homburg robbed and angry. The sechsköpfige Gruppe has signed the 14-year anniversary at the Busbahnhof and «auf seine Jacke abgesehen», teilte de Polizei heute mit.

A group of people packed the Jugendlichen and ran through the Bahnhof in the Obergeschoss and into adjacent park houses. You can stock up a few times and enjoy more of what is on offer. We have even more scares that get into trouble one way or another as the three movies roll out. Please feel free to check it out with the Jacke im Wert 280 Euro in Directions Bahngleise flüchtet, hieß es von der Polizei.

One of the Täter, one of the 14 years, was able to inform the Polizei that he was admitted. However, the damage caused by the Schlagstock can also be improved. After the other five days, neither were completed.

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