
Trend zum Umbau and Sanieren are spürbar

Trend zum Umbau and Sanieren are spürbar

The WOW design is designed by high architecture and unique design. © Wimberger

With the opening of the WOW-competent centers, the Wimberger Group deutlich becomes the Entwicklung der Baubranche vor. While eight Baustandorten in Upper and Lower Austria and other groups from the diverse Sparten des Baunebengewerbes get an image of such a “WOW” that Speerspitze, if it is good, Bestandsimmobilien for new bedarfe weiterzuentwickeln.

The Gruppenunternehmen Wimberger Bau, Holzbau and Fassade, HOFA Service GmbH and Hengster GesmbH combine the know-how of the various works and activities of Baufamilies to connect and mountain-reifende Zukunftsösungen for Baufamilies, which the Unternehmen mit Sitz in Bad Leonfelden mitteilt.

“Unser Slogan WOW – UMBAUEN FÜR MORGEN beinhaltet einerseits de Tatsache, dass ein Umbau ein Haus für die Zukunft maximum aufwertet and otherrseits, dass wir as Unternehmen natürlich Nachhaltigkeit im privateen Wohnbau ermöglichen wollen. If there is a problem, this can happen. Don’t let it happen that it is a Neubau signal. Life goes on with the renewal of another supermarket, of which now – never again – the WOW-hosts”, so both Geschäftsführer Christian Wimberger and Norbert Königsecker die.

Wimberger and Königsecker as their over-anxious, the family home in the green world of an uninterested Wohntraum, was an active study among them.

If you turn on the new construction boom, you can use the best real estate in Fokus. It is not that the conversion of the health care of home users from family property is significant, but the house of real estate and the new state is an attractive solution for many construction families.

Auch bei Wimberger is de Sparte Umbau/Sanierung in Steigen-begriffen. A project project can be carried out on 70 projects of Umbau, Zubau, Sanierung. With WOW, Wimberger und Königsecker de Erweiterung die zkunftsorientierten Konzepts in Richtung Um- und Zubau beziehungsweise Sanierung.

“With the inheritance of over 7,000 built-up houses with complete concrete construction, we were able to grow our families. If you are engaged in troubleshooting, it is worth coming up with a complete solution for the Bereich Umbau. Here we are with WOW guts,” say Christian Wimberger and Norbert Königsecker in unison.