
Deutsche Lufthansa Action: The situation is changing! – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Deutsche Lufthansa Action: The situation is changing! – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

General immunity is the German Airline Be that as it may, Monat merklich verschlechtert, was ich in een Bewertung von “Schlecht” niederschlägt. Eine Analyzeder Diskussionsintensität said, that the Unternehmen in Vergleich zur Vergangenheit mehr Beachtung fand, was a positive assessment of “Gut” führt. Trotz der steigenden Diskussionen, de Aktie-insgesamt haue un “Schlecht”-Bewertung.

The fundamental involvement of Deutsche Lufthansa on an active Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) of 7.68 dollars was a matter of time with the industry. In the industry of the Fluggesellschaften the Durchschnittswert played -59.62. It may be that the activity is no longer a good idea, but gives a neutral assessment of the fundamental criticism.

The technical analysis said that the duration of the time is spread over the Deutsche Lufthansa action for 6,645 EUR, which costs the Aktienkurs for 6,372 EUR. An error occurred at the -4.11 Percent to GD200, which had a neutral effect. I think it is worth paying 50 days for 5.808 EUR, which has yielded a value of +9.71 and is included as “gut”. Insgesamt ergibt sich aus der technicien Analyser a Gesamtnote von “Gut”.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI), which analyzes an action over a best analysis of the Zeitraum analysis, said that Deutsche Lufthansa had a value of 82 years in the past 7 days. The fact that the company was no longer active was a Bewertung of “Schlecht” führt. When the RSI took over the Aktie 71,047 years ago on March 25, there was a “Schlecht”-Bewertung zur Folge hat. In the summer, the RSI rating is a negative rating of “Schlecht” for Deutsche Lufthansa.

Buy, stop or sell Deutsche Lufthansa?

Who wants Deutsche Lufthansa to continue? Do you like to buy something or take another chance? The answers to these fragments and the war are worth trading in the active Deutsche Lufthansa Analysis.

Course and further information on the topic:


Current discussions on the theme:

The Climate Change and its sequel (26.09.24)
Lufthansa 2012-2015: wohin geht … (25.09.24)
Lufthansa – what next? (23.08.24)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Deutsche Lufthansa Action: Die Sit. (17:16)
Lufthansa Action: Chartbild deutlich. (16:25)
Lufthansa Action: Mussman Bulle . (25.09.24)
Lufthansa Action: SAF Costs Wer. (24.09.24)
Lufthansa: Rückzug von Leerverkä. (23.09.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:
