
Flutwelle addresses the Stadt Klodzko

Flutwelle addresses the Stadt Klodzko

In Poland it is a Staudamm-gebrochen.

In Poland it is a Staudamm-gebrochen.Image: keystone

15.09.2024, 17:0915.09.2024, 17:21

If the bruch is a town in the Schneegebirge and the Polish border in the Czech Republic, the situation in the small town of Klodzko is further verschärft. A new Flutwelle has done the Ort research, such as Mayor Michal Piszko of Nachrichtenagentur PAP.

The Glatzer Neisse, a Nebenfluss der Oder, now has a level of 6.84 meters at Klodzko. It is a transparent water level of one meter, which a feuerwehr pronounces by the German press agent.

In one of the city streets the water meter is a meter higher and the mayor continues.


A mountain hunter from the political army is on his way with Booten, a civilian who is cooking, who sees Häuser whistling for the washer in the two or three shares.

With 26,000 inhabitants, hundreds of kilometers in the south of Breslau (Wroclaw), there is no additional laundry care. Auch das Gas became bald, said the Bürgermeister.

Make sure the Stronie Slaskie is a Staudamm-gebrochen.

Das Wasser flies like a nun from Dort over the Fluss Biala Ladecka in the Glatzer Neisse. Thousands of videos on Twitter are available for the broadcast.


It can’t be interesting: