
Bundestag adopts new check-in scheme for hotels in Germany

Bundestag adopts new check-in scheme for hotels in Germany

Young woman in suit traveling for business checking in at hotel reception

Check-in at the hotel is no longer possible.Image: getty images / E+ / domoyega

Holiday & free time

Annika Danielmeier

The Federal Government will abdicate the Bureaucracy in Germany. The Bundestag has taken an initiative in the Donnerstag with the impulses of the Ampel Coalition and the trade union faction. Im Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz IV since rund 60 verschiedene Einzelmaßnahmen enthalten. Ihr Ziel: weniger Papierkram.

Profit is made by tourists, who check in German hotels. If you want to check in more, it is a new rule to check in German hotels. Beim Einchecken fällt nämlich für felle (aber nicht für all!) sisterätzliche Schreibarbeit gone.

Urlaub in Germany: Kein Meldeschein more in Hotels

Before you stay in the hotel in the room of your hotel room, you should take a look at the lobby in the rule of personal atmosphere. If you spend more time to report a report, a report is made of the hotel guests. With the four four Bürokratie-abbaugesetz-shift of the Meldeschein nun from the German Unterkünften.

The message is not handwritten, but there is no digital eingeicht. The message in the hotel is completed with the new rules – with a hook. The data must only be given by native tourists:innen not more.

For hotel guests in other countries please check everything at Alten. “We are more than happy to welcome our native guests. Our guests are welcome during our stay in Germany,” says Markus Luthe, Chief Executive Officer of Hotel Associations Deutschland, Deutschen Presse. Agentur.

Hotel association nur teilweise mit Check-in-Regel zufrieden

Insgesamt begrüßt der Hotelverband Deutschland die vom Bundestag beschlossene Änderung. De Wegfall “antiqueerter Meldezettel für inländische Hotelgäste” fordert der Verband schon seit Jahrzehnten. Not fried is the hotel association with the disinterested treatment of in- and foreign hotel guests. The müsse nor a “zeitgemäße Alternative” follows.

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The “Idealvorstellung” was launched by Markus Luthe in a digital company and would be furious for all hotel guests for example in Germany or other states. If you do this, this is a hotel rezeption at check-in during the “Stress” and “Nachfragen” roads that lead to the impossibilities.

It has come to an end that some of the domestic tourists received the information about the notification.

With the four-year Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz, a billion euros would quickly be saved every year. It is all so that the first time the hotel reservation takes place and that the notification of the German guest in hotels disappears, has happened.

Living space in Germany is handsome. Mittlerweile gibt is so often a full-fledged judicial dish, the sad reality is that an inexplicable Alltagssache works. While in the Großstadt man schaut, it fell into the Rule that his old Wohnungen fell for him Wohnungssuchende.