
Bestechung und Jugend Pornografie – Staatsanwalt fordert Bewährungsstrafe

The process has been going on for thirty years by politicians from the commissioners with the best quality and child pornography who do not succeed – the statesman speaks of a “disqualification of character”.

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Aurich – A flaming pladoyer has embarrassed the state bank Lennart Dornieden in the process of a policy from the police commissioners of Emden, dem vor dem Landgericht Aurich Bestechlichkeit, Verrat von Dienstgeheimnissen and other Penalties zur Last laid. The publishing house is no longer a criminal accusation of the previous company, but for all other matters that fall under the responsibility of politics, the state is a state monopoly in its hands.

The Landgericht Aurich conducted a trial that produced a political treatise over 30 years.

Abfragen im Computer against Money

The 30-year-old politician, who quickly suspended the service for two years, is convinced the data on the police computer is fragmented. It is a fact that the Frage, by two men – one of the seats on the Anklagebank – Haftbefehle vorliegen. We have done even more terrifying things, which as politicians have become more fungible because of politics and politics. Dabei sollen 300 Euro flossen signal, was aber nicht nachweisbar ist. “Wir haben es mit Korruption, Machtmissbrauch, Straftaten in Uniform zu tun”, law of the State Sanwalt. If you acquire this in this way, the state of the police will have received a vertrauensvorschuss. “It now functions throughout history: the politicians are the good ones.” The 30 years of politics are nothing but shame, we will be treated with their actions, but their lectures are no longer abused.

Studierter Jurist ebenfalls angeklagt

In the vision of the Staatswalt Dornieden on the Friendship of the Angolan, with the Bitte an information in a whole war. This could play a big role – one of the politicians – it could lead to an act of legends. In the 29th century Auricher studied Jura and started in the referendum. “There was no understanding, it was right and it was false. If anyone thinks that it is possible again at the Staatsanwaltschaft Oldenburg in the Bereich Organisierte Kriminalität, then that would be a bad thing,” thus the Anklagevertreter. Die Korruption sei een “Geißel der Menschheit”, fuhr der Staatsanwalt fort.

Sex with 17 year old women with filming

Glides over the smartphone. And the game takes place in the tattoo complex of a role. The English politicians have a tendency to have sex, to control and change women. Frauen have a state fund, a secret film and a special account of their lives. One of the videos used in the longer term is an unanswered way in which a Messenger service has had a longer period was the best response to English history. After the reports of the State prosecutors, there was a nauseating Vertrauen in those days. If any of the women’s wars themselves are Polizistin, the Kollegen can wage war at the Ermittlungen. Another woman has made explicit the war, which is a poetic war.

Four men must appear in Freitag, September 6, before the Landgericht, an Emder Polizist and a Wilhelmshavener, the Rocker environment as a whole.

A young fraud war was already hit 17 years ago, we were hit by the Staatswalt by the murder of youth pornography. If you would like to watch any of the following videos, a child molester has been re-regulated. „Der Junge wurde missbraucht en hatte Schmerzen. Was it fun?“, Fragment of the Vertreter der Anklage. And that was an image that despises humanity, the politician of a hilf and wehrlosen person with heruntergelassener slang in the police force. It should be noted that Taten is on the Staatsanwalt party: “Characterlich haben Sie sich für the Polizeiberuf disqualifiziert”.

Two Jahre Bewährungsstrafe ordered

If you are afraid that everything will lead you, it will. If you have a state-funded situation, you can use big words, but your treatment is not normal if it is necessary in therapy. Voyeurism and pornography can be diagnosed. If the Schmerzensgeld yields 500 euros, the Anwalt des Opfers receives 10,000 euros. The Osnabrücker Staatsanwalt has paid a tax penalty of two years and a sum of 7,200 euros. Because both cousins ​​receive a fine of jewelery of 100 Tagessätzen for judicial seizure. The answer to the datenabfrage is to pay for a payment of 5400 euros. The Verteidiger was delivered on October 18 and the Plädoyers stopped. Then you can speak the Urteil.