
Schwerer Schlag für Sturm: Herbstsaison für Gorenc Stankovic whl vorbei

Schwerer Schlag für Sturm: Herbstsaison für Gorenc Stankovic whl vorbei

Mittelfeldspieler Jon Gorenc Stankovic has to use a weapon while Sturm Graz does his job if he lasts long.

The SK Sturm Graz has taken care of the Rückkehr on the Siegerstraße during the 2:1-Auswärtserfolg am Samstag at Blau-Weiß Linz. Jon Gorenc Stankovic was busy replaying the first half of one of his speichenköpfchen attacks, if there was a Zweikampf that broke out some of his clutches in a war. An operation was performed 28 years ago and the Grazer was left out during the week.

Damit has practically finished the Herbstsaison for the Routinier der Blackies. “Nach Gregory Wüthrich is the most bitter letzung of a Schlüsselspielers. Jon is extremely tough for us – there is a sporting and human extreme fehlen,” criticized Sport-Geschäftsführer Andreas Schicker in Ausfall.

Sturm empfängt at kommenden Mittwoch (21 Uhr, LIVE! at kicker) in Klagenfurt in the Champions League Club Brügge, the last Pflichtspiel these years were the Grazer on 11. December in Lille.