
Bohnen einkochen: So that’s the end barmachen

Bohnen einkochen: So that’s the end barmachen

It is possible that Trockenbohnen (ein)zukochen. If you want to know more, no matter how wise you are – ​​if you spend the night – one, and then shüttet the einweichwasser away, it is an irresistible, zum Teil blahende Substanzen enthält. In addition, a man bought the Bohnen with Gewürzen such as Curry, Bohnenkraut, Rosemary, Thymian or Salbei and a Stunde ein. Salt must always be taken first at the end of cooking time. One of the healthy debts that you will encounter, you can blame and was in the form of citronensaft or essig gehinzugeben.

Tip: If you are very welcome, the washing machine will not work anymore. It is gold plated for another Hülsenfrüchte. In this fall, the Kochwasser can win a prize natron. Against the Schaumbildung im Vaporkochtopf hilft a Löffel Öl in Kochwasser.