
HLW Spittal – die Ausbildungsstätte Nr. 1: Schulbeginn an der HLW Spittal – Team play in the first classes

HLW Spittal – die Ausbildungsstätte Nr. 1: Schulbeginn an der HLW Spittal – Team play in the first classes

HLW-Auftakt 2024 – Social Days Bleiburg

When debt knowledge starts with setting up debt financing and the direction of a certain quality management on the mountain corridor of the substructure of our new debt burden. The Grundstein will expand its debts from September 2024 and start the first debt classes of one-, three- and funfjährige debts at the kenlerntagen in Unterkärnten. Ein erster Schritt en gleichzeitig wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung een tollen Karriere!

Spittal. In the Donnerstag, on September 12, 2024, a group of Schülerinnen and Schüler of the first classes and of the HLW started at Bahnhof Spittal in the Zug Richtung Bleiburg ein. They were accompanied by the two days of the Auftaktveranstaltung by the class rulers Petra Götz, Rudolf Hanschitz, Herbert Lobak, Gernot Tischler and Manuel Wuggenig. After the Anreise, the Schülerinnen and Schüler are a professional Trainer and Trainer team of the PM Institutes in JUFA Hotel Bleiburg/Pliberk, the Bildung and the Stärkung der Klassengemeinschaft spezialisiert. An adapted program, which allows the assignment of the HLW-Schule-intritts, is one of the social issues in the Mittelpunkt-rückt.

If we know that we have found a disinterested page, the night walk that the lagerfeuer takes should be affected. While we use the Schülerinnen and Schüler de Zeit, it is a good idea to know new Kolleginnen and Kollegen. On the Tag, before the Rückfahrt, study the Classes of the Werner Berg Museum, that is im heurigen Year the Schwerpunkt auf the Presentation of the Beziehung of the Visual Arts with the Scripture writer Christine Lavant explains.

Both Mittag- und das Abendessen setlten für de Jugendlichen culinary Höhepunkte dar. Not all, a lot of the Schülerinnen and Schüler thanked themselves to Koch for the reformed approval. If you are the Schülerinnen and Schüler de Rückfahrt an, one of the experiences, other things through a full-fledged program after travel zu travel.

The Schulgemeinschaft with Director Adolf Lackner wants the Jugendlichen to have an inheritance and motivated Schul- en Ausbildungszeit.
