
24 Passe-Herausforderung in 24 Stunden

24 Passe-Herausforderung in 24 Stunden

Welches Auto is a marathon that is designated as an Alpine by the Alps? First right in the GT version. Damage now, wenn das Wetter nicht wil.

With the Alpine A110 GT sich Alpenpässe am Laufmeter überwinden.

With the Alpine A110 GT sich Alpenpässe am Laufmeter überwinden.

Thomas Geiger

It is Sunday evening 7 p.m. In Sestriere, near the Italian border to France, life begins to return from the streets. A few minutes to the northwest of Turin, things go wrong for a while, and the biker moves along the Sattel. There are now a few motorhome rings that are in the best place during the Tour de France. If you are in the Insassen, it takes a long time in the Klappstühlen, let yourself be packed and stop for the entire street free.

Now that this is a car, he thinks it is a problem, because it is first a rejection. Here on the Passhöhe in Sestriere near Schild with the 2035 the altimeter began to become a full-fledged Ausfahrt. 24 Alpenpässe in 24 Stunden has made a trip and performed an automatic car extraction, which passes by others: the Alpine A110. When Jean never again in the sporting name of Renault-Tochter was, Jean Redelé became green for a fast years, after he had won the Alpenpokal in 1954. A car brand establishment is simply here in the mountains as a serious herausforderer for the sporting competition.

Next to the Zweisitzers, with the Renault 2017 and Rédélés Erbe, fits perfectly: short bodywork, crisp abs, lightweight construction and the heart on the right side – also a medium engine directly behind the two seats. And with only four cylinders and 1.8 liter hubcaps, the hat man in the Alps is quickly forgotten. If the all-fällige Zwischensprints at the end of most cases a 300 PS power and 340 Nm torque are more than sufficient, the first right is with a leather weight under 1200 kilograms. If you can bridge a pass, you can follow the sprint of 4.2 seconds, in which the speed of 260 km / h is not high and there are no more problems, when you finish the Alpenrun during the general risks of wollen.

There is still no argument for the Alpine: if the power of the blue paintless Coupé is no longer as Poser-Auto out, it is all a neck-and-neck or the police on the plan to work. I am genteil: The Tour-de-France fans cheer the French Flitzer quickly genauso lautstark nach wie in the Helden on the Rennrädern. In the Orten that the Vierzylinder so leaves, the Anwohner is a high flyer, statt grim zu schauen, and at the Ordnungshütern the Blaumann drives under the radar, ganz egal, ob Carabinieri, Gendarmerie or Kantonspolizei. If the GT version offers so little rest, it is a fact that people can stop on September 24 in the Stück with a short break.

Although the washing machine no longer works, it has not yet ended up on the route.

Although the washing machine no longer works, it has not yet ended up on the route.

Fabian Hoberg

First step with a lot of movement

Nor ist von Ermüdung aber keine Spur, sonondern fruitful Erregung ist the foreherrschende Gefühl, as the Alpine aus Sestriere heraus in the Alpenabend fährt. Col de Montgenèvre (1850 metres) and Col du Lautaret (2058 metres) – climb Folge faster with the first Pässe-Paar ab. A trek with the Gipfelstürmer on the 2646 meter high Col du Galibier hinauf, which is part of the tour during the Tour de France. The Alpine allergens are first so warm, so much more, if you perfect your view on the open air and the light traffic flow and the Alpenglühen das Panorama.

Col du Télégraphe (1,570 metres), Col de la Madeleine (1,933 metres), Col du Petit-Saint-Bernard (2,188 metres) – the light of the Tages shines through the evening Serpentinen hinauf, before the Dunkelheit and the Bisweilen tiefhängende Wolkendecke zur Mässigung zwingen en ich so along with the first Anflug von Müdigkeit reported.

If the paint lies, it is so that a man in the group of the double couplings goes from hand to hand and therefore does not get involved in cutting the time. Apart from the 1971 meter high Colle San Carlo and above all the Grosse Sankt Bernhard (2469 meters) with perhaps adjacent Biegungen, before it is in Wallis and at least the Beifahrer and the short stomach find a little peace.

For the serpentine Alpine passage, the Alpine A110 GT is the only one with the power.

For the serpentine Alpine passage, the Alpine A110 GT is the only one with the power.

Fabian Hoberg

But was actually as Transfer stage and Erholung thought of war, erweist sich als gross Ernüchterung. When we went through the Halbzeit, we got a hint of the first picture, which vom Unheil künden. The heavy rain that has arisen in the passing of the day, and the fact that the renewed flow has become, is gefährlich and the Brückenpfeilern nagen. If the Winter locks warm up longer in that summer, then look at the Pass-Tafeln during the Rot-weg and the route is flat closed.

Das Wetter swings towards Routenwechsel

Anstatt the new Tag with a Kurvenkarussell-sondergleichen of the mind, in the Kurzer Zeit four Pässe one, the legendary Photo for the Hotel Belvedere am Furka to Schiessen and finally wieder the other Tremola in the Morgengrauen on the Gotthard with its properties, swing once de Inwetterschäden zum Umkehren . In our first phase of 24-Stunden-Rennen it started with a Safety-Car-Phase with a plan, that man will take care of the Autozug zurück nach Italien wörtlich newen kann. If you immerse the frühstück in the hinterland of Lake Maggiore in a decent cappuccino, combine Spremuta and Cornetto with some Café crème and a trockenes Gipfeli.

The 24er soul is no more necessary than to buy. If you have no choice of the bags and the stitch roads, the man who has committed a sin, when he goes out the door. Let go of the Alpine, if it is woolen. Every curve is a genus – and a few people have never been there before. It is also one of the upper Italian seen, and the Filzstift is still a few strokes on the Kotflügel make: Parallel to the Bernina Express on the way to St. Moritz we glide towards Forcola di Livigno at 2315 meters, then further into the similarly named high valley, right of the Passo d’Eira (2208 meters) and the Passo di Foscagno (2291 meters), before the Tour on the Gavia there is no problem in the height of the altitude.

Zweithöchster Pass on the route: The Gavia is now reached by Stelvio.

Zweithöchster Pass on the route: The Gavia is now reached by Stelvio.

Craig Pusey

In the Alpenführern analogue in the Swiss ski slopes as the «Schwarzer Pass» marking, you slide here more like an asphalt road at 2652 meters altitude, the leitplanken all fall on optical barriers, and the Ausblicke is almost temperatureless.

But the hour continues undeniably. A few passes in the last two hours can still be seen. The first right we have is the end of autumn when it comes to motorcycling. Peak turns may well be famous Pass rich soll. The comparatively long tone with its years 1884 will never disappear in the future and if he will put an antkruid on the fragments, Alfa Romeo will equip his small SUV with that one back that is good.

Das Stilfser Joch als krönender Abschluss

On the Gampenpass with its signals 1518 Metern there is no room as a solution, so you can reach the mountain and so close to the forest at the Scheitelpunkt. If you have a plötzlich on the Rampe, you will reach the Stelvio führt. 48 Kehren auf kaum zehn Kilometers nimmt die Alpine nor einmal bis 2757 Meter hinauf, and the crowning Abschluss schmeckt who the Kräuterschnaps, in themselves all Aromen dieser Alpenrunde vereinen: spectacular Strassen, Curves zum Lower knees, Long- and Querbeschleunigung bis heart an den Schwindel und Ausblicke, if it is an augen-überlaufen.

Auch wenn in 24 Stunden nur 16 Pässe möglich were: The Alpine has itself gut contentn.

Auch wenn in 24 Stunden nur 16 Pässe möglich were: The Alpine has itself gut contentn.

Craig Pusey

24 Hours: Selten has sich das so kurz angéhlt. If the zwischendrin is once a force of strength or a wise choice, then it is worth to be lucky in the current Tibet hut that looks at the Tibetan hut at the end of the study.

After 24 hours, 16 strokes are made on the wing, the on-board computer shows 1082 kilometers of driving distance, the tracking app shows 20,053 meters in height. Part of the question will be that it is difficult to erase the gods of the Querdynamics. 16 passes in 24 hours – the self-study process has had a great chance, but it will be one of the illegitimate beds that has not been accepted as erwartet.

The Alpenfahrt runs through the Alpine relaxation area.