
Sport during living hours lasts more than 200 days

Sport during living hours lasts more than 200 days

If you are an employee of a person performing an active activity, you may have inactive persons in the past made a small chance of 264 errors. It is a study that has become a reality in the Fachblatt “Circulation” world. The fragment, which is very effective, leads to a long war and a long war.

The strong consequences are accompanied by cardiometabolic disorders with blood loss (23% or 28% lower risk) and diabetes (43% or 46% lower risk). The positive effects were all in 16 categories of mental illness (including total mental disorders, neurological disorders, neurological disorders and other categories).

Dr. Shaan Khurshid of Massachusetts General Hospital said: “Körperliche Aktivität is affected by the risk of illness. Wochenendaktivitäten do not bring Vorteile im Hinblick on the Risk of Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen with sich, under the zahlreiche more Krankheiten – of chronic Kidney disease bis his zu Stimmungsstörungen and more.”

Focus on a period of 150 minutes until you are intensely engaged in work, you will have a healthy lifestyle.

Quelle: DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.124.068669