
Zürcher Gemeinde Stadel – Demonstration of the planted Atomendlager in Stadel – News

Zürcher Gemeinde Stadel – Demonstration of the planted Atomendlager in Stadel – News

Rund 60 People demonstrate in Bülach against the planted Tiefenlager.

The National Genossenschaft for the Lagerung radioactive Abfälle (Nagra) hat Rahmenbewilligungsgesuche for an Atomendlager in the Zürcher Gemeinde Stadel eingereicht.

Nagra-Umfrage said major Akzeptanz für Tiefenlager in Stadel

Clap box
Box suckers

The Schweizerinnen and Schweizer view the radioactive radioactivity Abfall pragmatically. There is a representative view in the Auftrag der Nagra.

71 Prozent der Schweizer Bevölkerung trauen de Fachleuten zu, de Lagerung von radioaktiven Abfällen in Endlagern technically correct umzusetzen. Dies since 8 Prozent mehr as noch 2022. Dass ein Tiefenlager dabei bessere Lösung darstellt als een Lager an der Oberfläche, met 76 Prozent ebenfalls eine grosse Mehrheit so.

The planted Atomendlager has served a service in front of the Stadthalle in Bülach, around 60 people demonstrating. There is war with SP-Nationalrätin Martina Munz. “It is important that our Botschaften are undertaken after the tragedy and the war,” said the 68-year-old political party.

Gruppe protests with Banner and Schildern in Rain.

Trotz der Garstigen Witterungsbedingungen fanden sich rund rund 60 Demonstrate vor der Stadthalle Bülach ein.

Keystone/Ennio Leanza

Das Interesse der Bevölkerung is rude. If you watch the Atom-Tiefenlager during the entire «Regionalkonferenz Nördlich Lägern», focus directly on the Anschluss and the demonstration in the Bülacher Stadthalle. Die Regionalkonferenz zählt bord 135 Mitglieder – Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von Gemeinden, Planungsverbänden, Interessengruppen oder Personen met Wohn-oder Arbeitsort in der Standortregion.

The co-chairman of the regional conference, Christopher Müller, spoke about a Teilnehmer report: «Man sieht, der Saal ist full. Viele Mitglieder needs the great amount of knowledge and expertise that comes with this process.”

Nagra CEO Braun sees Widerstand positively

If the full provision is not a pro or contra-tiefenlager, Müller said: “Wir stehen dafür ein, that’s the best los for the region herauscommt, that’s man the Gemeinden seriously nimmt. The Zentrale ist, that will happen.”

One of the Veranstaltung-zugegen is Matthias Braun. If I inform the Nagra CEO, you can get detailed information about the erasing data. Braun’s great interest: «I see, the Stadthalle is full. The interest is high and that is what has happened, with the most common willingness to woolen: the short, factual debates in the gang are being had.»

Mann stops the presentation with a cart projection in the background.

The Nagra and its CEO Matthias Braun ensure a broader development with the vanguard and direct democratic legitimation with a popular abstimmung.

Keystone/Ennio Leanza

Braun does not see the demonstration in the Vorfeld der Vollversammlung as Widerstand. «Konstruktive Kritik is always available. We will continue to do this,” so the Nagra Chief and Leader also: “We could always have another reason. If all goes well, this part of the debate is a moot point.”

This debate is longer, it is the guest of the conference in a theme. “I am here for the conference, have attended the Demonstration before the City Hall. If I found something, that’s what I mean and say, it’s not fair, it was in a non-passionate region, a konferenz-teilnehmer.

People attend a presentation in a conference room.

The interest in the plants Atomendlager in Stadel is a rough viewing, wie der Blick in the full Stadthalle Bülach says.

SRF / Elisabetta Antonelli

Another Teilnehmerin sees it as Kritikerin des Atomendlagers. The debate about the entire debate was about other things: ‘If I was completely convinced, that was a man, but both of these things were good: Junge Leute was practically bare. It is the generation Ü50 to Ü80, the expectation is.»

Entscheid would first be in fun years

The Bundesbehörden now have two concrete rules in the field of economics – you are a city and a city in Würenlingen -, which is now not accepted. The end of the procedure with the Eidgenössische Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (Ensi) is a Gutachten-vorlegen. At the base of the Bundesrat, the year 2029 was a fact and parliament had a political solution for the tiefenlager project.