
Tausende unbesetzte Jobs in der Regio: Weniger Arbeitslose in Potsdam

Tausende unbesetzte Jobs in der Regio: Weniger Arbeitslose in Potsdam

In Potsdam since 5758 people reported as unemployed. It takes 151 years for a month, about 310 minutes for a year. This Zahlen has the Agentur für Arbeit am Freitag veröffentlicht. The labor loss rate in Potsdam is 5.7 percent, in the neighboring Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark it is 4.6 percent. Von einem “weiterhin stabilen Arbeitsmarkt in der Region” war in Rede.

So since in the Enzugsgebied der Potsdamer Arbeitsagtur, das von Brandenburg/Havel bis nach Teltow und Luckenwalde reicht, there are around 7200 unknown couples reported. Darunter since knapp 1200 Vacancies in the Transport and Logistics industry. Stellen has been registered in Potsdam since the beginning of 2000, for all services, in the business world and in trade.

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The Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Brandenburg was sunk in September in Vergleich zum Vormonat is a seasonal clause of 2,300 to 82,350 people. The labor loss rate is 0.1 point out of 6.1 per hour, based on the Regional Directorate of the Federal Agency for Labor in Berlin. Before a year, the quote was 5.9 percent.

“Der saisonale Aufschwung nach dem Summer fallt schwächer as üblich, die Laborlosenquoten lie in both Regions leicht über dem Vorjahrelevel”, says Ramona Schröder, Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung der Regionaldirektion Berlin-Brandenburg der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. “It is important that the social impact of social development in Berlin is easy and constant in Brandenburg,” Schröder said.

Deutschlandweit gehen die Zahlen nur leicht zurück

Due to a grocery reward on the labor market, the Zahl of the labor losers in Germany in September in the Vergleich zum Vormonat nur leicht a 66,000 to 2,806 Millions of people have sunk. It costs 179,000 more when I am in Vorjahr, teilte de Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Nürnberg mit. The labor loss ratio sank to 0.1 point on 6.0 Prozent in September in August.

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A couple finds one of our editors, external inhalation, of the article with the information already published. If you use an external device here, you can use a weld or other device with a click.

I have my own understanding, because my external content is known. Damit können Personenbezogene Daten und Drittplattformen übermittelt zijn. Learn more about the data protection settings. These finds can be displayed on a page in the footer, soft drinks can dilute or widen your settings.

“Labor and unemployment have taken a heavy hit in September, although less so in this Monat. Der Auftakt der Herbstbelebung am Arbeitsmarkt verläuft in diesem Year also nur schleppend,” says the Vorstandsvorsitzende der Bundesagentur, Andrea Nahles, in Nuremberg. (with dpa)