
Versteigerung von Esprit-Inventar starts online

Versteigerung von Esprit-Inventar starts online

When the war began in August, the family’s life was wiped out. Jetzt comes up with the invention of the firms under the Hammer.

Schreibtische, Computer, Handys, Autos: You can find bankruptcies of the German Esprit-Gesellschaften on the Internet. The first online versions available on the website will be executed first. It is one of the divisions of HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult GmbH & Co. KG, which works with the reinforcement beauftragt wurde. You can sign up after you register for the auction.

The joint Anlagevermögen at Esprit-Firmensitz in Ratingen and the Logistikzentrum in Mönchengladbach has been strengthened. Laut Mitteilung was insgesamt rund 2,000 Positions in meer Steigerungen zum Kauf eingestellt, among other 400 Office Spaces with high adjustable Schreibtischen, etwa 500 Electrical Devices with Computer, Tablets and Smartphones as well as Fernseher and Videokonferenz-Anlagen. Boats can reach 40 cars from Esprit’s Fuhrpark. Kleidungsstücke since nicht Teil der Auktionen.

The war in August was described, the fashion industry was closed in 56 branches in Germany. About 1,300 employees and employees will lose their jobs. Das Geschäft von Esprit will be abgewickelt zurzeit. Die Laden, in de Weren noch abverkauft wird, schließen bis spatestens At the end of November, wie a Sprecher mitteilte. Some of the contents are closed.