
Ein Regime implodes –

Ein Regime implodes –

A completely forgotten story about Sigmaringens Schloss: Here the Vichy Government moved into the last Monate

Terminal station of the Vichy Regimes: Philippe Pétains Büro im Schloss Sigmaringen 1945 Photo: bk

Von Benno Schirrmeister

Für Städte must be the Ausdruck-normschön. It’s a good idea to visit Sigmaringen so well: All is well, you will enjoy the beautiful figures for the cleanly used Neorokokorathaus. One of the largest groups is the middle castle from 18.–19. Jahrhundert. The first year that the SWR ‘Landesschau’ experienced the Touri-Attraktion, a long, kitsch Bildern history, without any regrets, was here for 80 years apart from the war, on September 1944. Aber with the world historical moment dies Bauwerk ist auch schwer umzugehen.

Nothing, although one of the Capitals was, labeled Clemens Klünemann, professor at the PH Ludwigsburg, his theme published the following: ‘Man thinks first, it is a Heimatgeschichtliches, but then he can have more faces, who in a Kaleidoskop. “In the dominieren Blau-Weiß and auch Rot in seltsam schriller Ausprägung: In Sigmaringen the Vichy-Regierung was in full decline, from September 7, 1944 to April 21, 1945.

On April 22, the First French Army under General Joseph de Lattre marches away. Think about it, the game of French measures motivates the heart as it is thus tried. So there is no more war. “Das war here nicht, wie in Freudenstadt,” said Autorin and Journalist Gabriele Loges, most of the Zeitzeugen interviews were conducted. Make sure you are free from Rache fürs Massaker von Oradour Häuser und 600 Frauen vergewaltigt.

For Sigmaringen it is Zahl’s money. “I have no knowledge of the affected person,” says Loges. The fact is that the fact that you can no longer enjoy yourself makes you more sexually crazy. A kürzlich in Schloss aufgeführtes Theaterstück von Gerd Zahner and Johannes Stürner remembers that, it was pausechal fellleicht. They lose nothing but prosperity and the Vichy-Grotesque. The description of the fantasy takes a long time. Most of the French Romance – one etwas transfunzelig, the other broader – themes are. During the 1980s in France, the political tote was personally returned by the Kollaborationsregimes of Maréchal Philippe Pétain to Adolf Hitler’s Geheiß in Schloss, and was considered further regent.

Is there a ritual, you can do it yourself. The gilded first right for pseudostate. Heavy success of the convoy with Pétain, the great siege of Verdun, Sigmaringen arrived on September 8. Aber zur Hauptstadt or sogar zum verliebenen Staatsgebiet des Frankreichs der Kollaboration avanciert das Schloss the internal Scripture will first be so focused during a Staatsact on October 1, a Ceremony of the colors. With the historical Wetterangaben it is true that a Sache, after Henry Rousso, Koryphäe under the French Vichy-Historikern, has had a somewhat paler son of the Swabian Alb. In het Licht marcheschiert as Ablösung der Wehrmachtwachen at 11.15 Uhr een klagliches Trüppchen französischer Milizsoldaten auf. Es serves as National Guard, dressed in black, entitled to uniform uniforms.

That Köpfe is covered with Berett, Helmet or not a Wollmütze. „Teils act es sich um Greise, parts um Jugendliche“, so Rousso in seinem Sigmaringen-Buch. Es fall ihnen schwer, in Reih en Glied zu stehen. A Drum Whirl. Langsam continues with the Trikolore am Fahnenmast empor. Blue. Blank. Rouge. And then Fernand de Brinon would stop a state speech. The Kollaborateure team is employed by the Regierungskommission. Ersten Ansprache as concrete president are now the narrow Verbindung of Maréchal Pétain.

De Brinon must do that when the Maréchal is personally busy with his speeches. The fact is that there is a new audience that does not respond to his short response: the other gentleman is in the stock of the turms and the trotzt. That’s fine by the end of August. The Nazis packed up a real puppet in Vichy and reprocessed it here, in the ‘Schloss des Verrats’ with the resistance press that bare the Hohenzollern-Bude. Pétain is not happy with himself. Aus Protest is on August 20, the day the SS enters the Tür zu Seiner Suite at the Hôtel du Parc, like him, she will pass him by. They did everything officially, in Essen. There isst fell, heisst es.

Prime Minister Pierre Laval, an anti-militarist, took into account that he and the castle in the Etage were no longer used, but he did not do so. Seine Frau Jeanne, who in the 1950s gequält, köpft, erstickt, the Toten erscheinen, who has his Mann debt burden, has the Deutschen von small on. When he was no longer in the Kollaborationsregierung einzutreten in 1942, Fred Kupferman wrote in the Laval Biography of the Blessing. One of the pazifists would have a fried mission. There serves them Frieden, if in Reason Hitler’s Endsieg beiwünscht rebeiwünscht. It is important that the Nazis organize and restore the deportation of the Jews, so that children abroad can do more after Auschwitz.

Pierre Laval was in a fried mission, as in Reason Hitler’s Endsieg rebeiwünscht

Das deutsche Essen schmeckt Laval nicht. Zum Glück is at the Abreise on the Pelzmantel with Secret Bag for Zyankali – a gift from Stalin! – more million dollars in francs and dollars that have been given the value of the wrapped hotel Matignon. Plus, whole weight!, Lucky Strikes and Baltos, seine Lieblingsmarke: Laval raucht Kette, for everything that comes to mind. Und der Milchviehhalter en Anwalt tüftelt een large Plädoyer, dem für sich themselves. Alas!, my progress is still forgotten; the Geschworenen versprechen ihm zwölf Kugeln in den Rücken; seine Verteidiger bleiben der Verhandlung in Paris sail. After all, the day is 9. October 1945, it is the last day. Weigh a suizidversuchs – warum lässt man ihm auch den Pelz! – first found the warning on 15. statt: After a Patient after a Magenspülung whoer fit ist, that is the end of it.

Fernand de Brinon, Hitler-Groupie since 1933, leader of the Streikbrecher an. The woolen im neoclassical Prinzenbau is in the city as Frankreichs Regierung in Deutschland regieren. Was, is unclear, nor more unclear. And yet woolly rivals of the Marquis who entwine their posts. Bloß, as ex-communist Jacques Doriot, has been abolished and ended up in the car on the road to Sigmaringen on February 22, a regime geschäftigkeiten to see how he sees.

Nor aber steht de Brinon vonn. If the man has political insight, then the Maréchal election is there. So there is interest in the 2.25 million French Kriegsgefangeneen and Zwangsarbeiter in Germany, and no longer – even though I am Rande – in the 65,000 Freiwilligen in SS, Miliz, Arbeitsdienst and my Family. „So serve wir Frankreich“, ruft er, en dafür her man here aus im Glauben ans Vaterland und de Versöhnung mit Deutschland und Gottes Segen, Bla und Blubb. And zum Schluss: “Vive la France, long live the Maréchal!”

Schloss Sigmaringen or also: the “Schloss des Verrats” Photo: image

Danach was Platz for a Hymn. If it’s good, and it’s not very sweet. The Deutschen, it is gold plated, but the Marseillaise is no longer available. Das Vichy-Huldigungslied has made a comical remark: „Nous voilà, Maréchal“, heißt es. It’s true that things are going well. Aber Context verändert Bedeutung, und de Lage in Sigmaringen würde den Sinn in Richtung “that’s how it happened to us too” is published. Gut 2,000 regimetreue Französ*innen have spoken Zuflucht here. Der Radiosender Ici la Fance – Hier Frankreich – is supplied with propaganda. A visible Spuren is a wall critzellei in the castle, said Gabriele Loges, “and his own nur das Grab von Pauline Bonnard”. A Jeanne d’Arc relief appears at the Friedhof depicting Mutter as a forgotten Faschist poet.

A different caliber is Céline, also Louis Ferdinand Destouches. Der vom „Stürmer“ weigh exorbitants Judenhasses gefeierte Autor wird heute in Frankreich more denn je verehrt. There is coming in November in Sigmaringen and the castle is no longer on the Platz for nearby. A Fresco signal Sigmaringen-Zeit was opened in “D’un château l’autre” in 1957. The book is more of punkte as worte and more Ausrufezeichen as Sätze, and it is most of the einzigartige Versuch, mithilfe von Fäkalien reinzuwaschen, with Pisse, Kot and Ausfluss. The ort is the result of ‘Siegmaringen’, a Witz: Damit verspottet is the ausweglose situation of Vichy and Hitler Getreuen. The Célines then ascend a Doriots Todestag into the Zug.

There is a start signal. If there is a car that uses cars, then so be it. Die Nachrichten von Erschießungen, Prozessen und Lynchjustiz verleihen auch others Flügel. All those Mitläufer*innen, “that have been straight away lost”, says Loges. When the army takes action, it quickly becomes more than that. And fast keiner wird erschossen.