
Learn more, experience more monate in the future: Who is this possible?

Learn more, experience more monate in the future: Who is this possible?

Erdbeben Magnitude Seismograph Vorhersage
This instrument is set on the lower magnitude (less than 1.5) “Vorbeben” over a time period of 3 months before the larger Beben.
Anthony Kaczmarek

Anthony Kaczmarek Meteor France 4 minutes

It’s time Finally, there are no false warnings more born? Tarsilo Girona, a researcher at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA, and his colleague Kyriaki Drymoni of the University of Munich, Germany, have found a digital tool, with the following warnings. If Hilfe becomes bald, more money can flow into the Voraus time.

Thanks to the machine learning!

When you call on a large number of areas, in most cases, the problem is often caused by economic disruptions and public spotting. Ihr innovations digitals Werkzeug diet darauf ab, Erdbeben zu antizipieren, een letztendlich Frühwarnungen herausgeben zu können, the Evacuierungen ermöglichen and Todesfälle prevented. A Method for Recognition of Erdbeben, die on machine learning based.

I have an idea an algorithm discovered, that in the low ist, in the seismic activities is an abnormal Ereignis to recognizeif they then see Schlüsse für die Vorhersage. I have been looking at models with a test run of 7.1 in Alaska in 2018 and with two runs (6.4 and 7.1) in California in 2019.

Was sie entdeckten, war benruhigend: These strong steps after three monaten „anomaly more seismic activity less strong“ (below 1.5) from 15 to 25% of the territories of the regions, which were strongly affected. There is also an art of “preparing” which is largely warned against.

The limits of the study

These previews are with the pressure of the “interstitial flow” hinges: As the pressure on the inner energies increases, and we shall see the broader state of affairs, a geological exploration is here, falling out of the sky.

Mit ihrem Modell is dependent on the Forschern, a water quality of 80% for the Auftreten, an Erdbebens 30 Tage for seinem tatsächlichen Auftreten and 85% some Tage for the Catastrophe that exists. That’s a good performance! It is a fact that the study is based in the region, in the research with a rigid of more than 6.4 exits, was in the last three years of the Autumn War.

And who tells us, Is it possible that there is an abnormal situation if there is a decayed Erdbeben? When the fall is no more, the algorithm will be unlocked… The digital tool should be the fall of the historical data of affected regions and all tested in real time.


Is it possible to improve the situation with more progressive moments? – Geo

UAF scientist’s method could provide months of warning of major earthquakes – University of Alaska Fairbanks

Abnormal low-magnitude seismic activity preceding large-magnitude earthquakes – Nature communication