
Eintracht Frankfurt: Jugend porno-Photos totem U19-Trainer gefunden |

Eintracht Frankfurt: Jugend porno-Photos totem U19-Trainer gefunden |

Police have made pornographic photos of a number of Eintracht Frankfurt’s youth football coaches in Switzerland. The devastating U19 Coach War in September was brought to light by a car accident.


Image © picture-alliance/dpa (Archive)

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00:32 Minute. ||Heike Borufka (hr)

Image © picture-alliance/dpa (Archive)|
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During one of the training sessions of a young fußball youth trainer from Eintracht Frankfurt, Ermittler fanned “a Vielzahl youth pornographic image”, such as the Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt on hr-Anfrage am Montag Mitteilte.

A Strafanzeige soll die Ermittlungen ausgelöst haben, wie Medien messageseten.

Tödlicher Unfall nach Wohnungsdurchsuchung

The Trainers’ Apartment will be launched tomorrow, September 5, by the State Attorney’s Office.

Ben selben Tag gegen 15 Uhr kam der 33-Jährige bei an Autounfall zischen Rodgau and Dietzenbach (Offenbach) ums Leben. The car war of the Fahrbahn is broken up and a Baum is pranked. A Fremdverschulden could not fest the Ermittler nicht.

Verfahren wird nach Unfalltod eingestellt

Due to the large number of companies, the sales channels of the Verbreitung of youth pornographic content had to be established, the State Attorney continued. For the accusations, the debt repayment ended after the debt claim.

The retired Fußball-Jugendcoach has worked at Eintracht Frankfurt since 2020. Zuletzt betreute is the U19.

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