
Casino Group: Establishment of the Aura Retail Alliance | 23.09.24

Casino Group: Establishment of the Aura Retail Alliance | 23.09.24

PRESS RELEASE September 23, 2024

Establishment of the Aura Retail Alliance:
Intermarché, Auchan and Casino establish long-term partnership
purchasing partnership

Intermarché, Auchan and Casino1 have strengthened their long-term purchasing partnership with the creation of the Aura Retail alliance. This alliance includes five operational structures that offer purchasing partnerships between the three groups for a period of 10 years.

At a time when purchasing power remains the biggest concern for the French, and as we emerge from a period of high inflation, Aura Retail The alliance and its five operating structures will benefit from the strengths and complementarities of Intermarché-Netto, Auchan and Casino to strengthen the weight of the three groups in commercial negotiations with major manufacturers.

The Aura Retail These structures also offer additional development and innovation opportunities to other manufacturers with whom the three groups have long-standing collaborations.

For food purchasing, Aura Retail will consist of three central purchasing units, managed by Intermarché:

Aura Retail Achats Alimentaires will exploit purchasing synergies for around 200 national FMCG brand manufacturers for the Intermarché-Netto, Auchan and Casino banners. The company, based in Massy (91), will be led by Emmanuel Lavit (Chairman) and Frederic Lecoq (CEO).

Aura Retail International Food Services will negotiate international services with major multinational industrial groups and offer synergies in the many European countries where the partners are established (Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania and Hungary). The Brussels-based company will be led by Jean-Baptiste Berdeaux (Chairman of the Board of Directors) and Olivier Mercier (CEO).

Aura Retail Private Label will enable European food producers marketing private labels to benefit from more efficient market access through a joint tender offer by the Intermarché, Auchan and Casino groups. The company, based in Massy (91), will be led by Emmanuel Lavit (Chairman), Jérôme Dumont (Operations Director) and Corinne Aubry-Lecomte (Secretary General).

For non-food purchases of national brands, two structures have been set up by Aura Retail and managed by Auchan:

Aura Retail Achats Non Alimentaires will offer synergies to the top 100 manufacturers selling national non-food brands. The company, based in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, will be led by Stéphane Boennec (chairman) and Isabelle Saluden (CEO).

Aura Retail International Non-Food Services will market international services to leading multinational non-food manufacturers. The Luxembourg-based company will be led by Arnaud Bricmont (Chairman of the Board) and Dimitri Proskurovsky (CEO).

Finally, on the private label non-food perimeter, the 3 groups will massify their purchases via the existing central purchasing unit “OIA” (Organisation Intragroupe des Achats), a subsidiary of Auchan. This company, which already buys private-label non-food ranges for all countries where Auchan is present, will be able to accept business volumes from Intermarché and Casino as part of a joint public offer.

These partnerships have been built in strict compliance with applicable competition laws and regulations. They have been filed with the relevant competition authorities and employee representative bodies.

Each partner retains complete independence in terms of commercial, pricing and promotional policies, as well as in the development of the store network.

About Groupement Les Mousquetaires

Founded in 1969, the Les Mousquetaires Group brings together more than 3,000 independent entrepreneurs and 150,000 employees, who serve the services of more than 4,000 local points of sale in France, Belgium, Poland and Portugal. At the head of their points of sale, Mousquetaires entrepreneurs form a group of entrepreneurs involved in the socio-economic fabric of their territories. In order to meet the needs of the banners Intermarché, Netto (food); Bricomarché, Brico Cash, Bricorama (household appliances); Roady and Rapid Pare-Brise (mobility), the Group has its own support services (integrated logistics bases, purchasing services, real estate, etc.), as well as an agri-food division with nearly 60 factories, all located in France. More information
X Moustache Holders
About Auchan Retail

As a multi-format and phygital retailer, Auchan brings together all formats of physical grocery retail (hypermarkets, local and ultra-local) and digital (drives, home delivery, click&collect) to offer its customers a pleasant shopping experience and a unique, honest and responsible offer. To make life easier, Auchan puts people at the heart of everything it does: accessible prices, choice and diversity of the offer, quality of service. As a responsible economic player, Auchan supports agriculture and the agri-food industry by acting as close as possible to the regions through the 54,714 employees of its 630 points of sale. In 2023, the company recorded more than 340 million visits to its stores and e-commerce sites. To follow us: – Twitter @auchannews – LinkedIn Auchan Retail

About Groupe Casino

Groupe Casino is a major player in the French retail market, with more than 8,600 stores*. The leading convenience store with 6,300 stores in this format, is also No. 2 in non-food e-commerce with its Cdiscount brand. The Group has built a portfolio of solid, dynamic and complementary brands thanks to a workforce of more than 44,000 people driven by their passion for retail and customer service and has generated net sales of €9 billion by 2023. With a clear vision of the changes taking place in the sector, its ambition is to accelerate the transformation of retail. To this end, all of the Group’s retail activities are positioned in the formats of the future: convenience, premium and e-commerce. *Data as of 31/12/23

Auchan Retail Press Contacts
Marie Vanoye
07 64 49 78 06 – [email protected]
Véronique Rétaux (Press & Cie)
06 30 07 93 35 –
[email protected]

Mousquetaires Press Contacts
Press office: [email protected]
Michelle Kamar
06 09 24 42 42 – [email protected]
Charlotte Rabilloud
06 62 03 28 34 – [email protected]

Casino Press Contacts
Stephanie ABADIE:
[email protected]
+33 (0)6 26 27 37 05
[email protected]
Phone: + 33(0)1 53 65 24 78

  • 2024 09 23 – PR – Establishment of the Aura Retail Alliance