
Culture: Plädoyer für das Alter – Kultur

Culture: Plädoyer für das Alter – Kultur

Scene from the dialect comedy Photo: sc

The shadow has emerged from the years that the friendship two has an inconceivable woman. While reality is getting bigger and the quality is increasing, the people who see others can mirror on the other side of the friendship. When the quarrel between the two flares up, it becomes chaotic. The nice striptease set, neither with a temperament nor with much fun, hates an affair with the man, and then it is Fernando’s turn. For the other is Fredi, so he is of the inzwische glücklose Athlet for his, the biggest first lie, from a tochter-reformation. Finally comes a confused lady in the game and a liebenswürdiger Hausverwalter. Herrlich, wie der Meister der Verführung “Fredi” versuchtte, de Hausverwalter in his Bemühungen um de Zuneigung der Tochter, Hilfestellung zu geben.