
Lauchringen: Start in front of the Culture Center

Lauchringen: Start in front of the Culture Center

Lauchringen – With the start of construction and the hardware store on the Lauffenmühle-Areal, the Municipality of Lauchringen sets another Meilenstein in its history. The imaginary Halle from the year 1836 became a cultural center of the municipality. If you spend more time cooking, the garages and lagerräume services should be abgerized. Dafür entstehen auf der Westlichen Seite two new Flachdachbauten in Holzständerbauweise, in thenen Foyer, Garderobe, sanitäre Anlagen, Bar, Catering Küche, Lager and Künstlergarderobes for these nice Kulturstätte were introduced.

The 400 quadratmeter large Denkmalgeschützte Halle could make a good choice and would not be changed now, who is the new nutzungskonzept notinnen power. “Der Boden wird herausgebrochen, weil er beträchtliche Höhenunterschiede aufweist. “Wir wollen für die Zukunft eine Fußbodenheizung und een vergelten Estrich einbauen“, erklärt Bürgermeister Thomas Schäuble. Moreover, the 50 centimeters of the bruchstein mauerwerk bleibt bis auf einige notnauwe Durchbrüche erhalten, ebenso der Dachstuhl.

The roof is closed, sealed and covered with the other Ziegeln wieder. The Dachboden-wird in Teilen was geöffnet, soft drinks from one of the Blick on the end-rucksful Dachkonstruktion free wird. In the next phase, the Berb company from Sulz am Necker will start the Abrissarbeiten. The conversion of the Kulturhalle will start in a new year. The PV-Anlage, which installs the war in the Baumwollhalle, is a fact at the Dachringer Sporthalle.

With the other ideas for the construction of a cultural centre, a vision is in reality as good as the Gemeinderat is now, in the form of a planning and architectural office for Arabic architecture.schneider.wirth from Nürtingen: Das Potenzial is extraordinary Bauwerks is finished. We are here with a real jewel.“ The architect is a gelungen, in planning a symbiosis, old and modern to buy.

The new cultural center will be part of the living spaces and will probably be useless. Thanks to a large number of books and a balanced technique, acoustic and acoustic constructions with the cultural space for theater, concert and cabaret, aber auch for Ausstellungen and other transformations. Furthermore, the community is responsible for the protection of private events, holidays and other occasions. “With the help of the costs involved in the maintenance of health,” Schäuble explains.

The mayor says he has developed a vision in the area of ​​the community: “We will buy a in an unmanaged region, a cultural and management statute and a part of the stock, which the characteristic of the buildings, one of the most important St ück Geschichte der Lauffenmühle erzählt. ” About 5.6 million euros cost his fertigstellung. Half can be removed with the battery. With both cultural and theater associations Schauplatz and Kleine Bühne that offer the Gemeinde Lauchringen two institutions, the new center is a ganzjähriges cultural program that can be developed.

Lauffenmühle Project

The real Mühlenareal, since 1835 years of the textile industry as a flourishing location and yet in the year 2019, could announce that it would be a new utility-oriented. The municipality purchased the 6.6 hectares of land and will realize a visionary district in the coming, in the only conceivable buildings will remain and be renovated extensively.