
Defense prepares and arranges Unternehmensupdate Finanzierung • news • onvista

Defense prepares and arranges Unternehmensupdate Finanzierung • news • onvista

IRW-PRESS: Defense Therapeutics Inc.: Defense prepares Unternehmensupdate and arranges financing

Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 27, 2024 / IRW-Press / Defense Therapeutics Inc. (Defence oder das Unternehmen), (CSE: DTC, OTCQB: DTCFF, FWB: DTC), a kanadian biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, das Radiopharmazeutika und nouvelle Immunonkologie -Impfstoffe und technologique desde velope a profesional entrepreneurship, it is possible that there is an internal update and financing takes place.

It may be that Sebastien Plouffe, Gründer and Director of Defense, with such a strong Wirkung, will start working as Chief Executive Officer. Mr Plouffe has ended this phase for the current phase, one of the efficient results of the program, the trading possibilities of the financing and the financing of the financing of the external economy. Mr. Kwin Grauer, lord of the Abwesenheit of Herrn Plouffe as interim CEO, has assumed the role of the Board of Directors. The Unternehmen thanks Herrn Grauer for his Commitment and his Bemühungen um das Wachstum von Defense.

It is possible that the new candidate has received a new appointment to his Board of Directors: Dr. Philippe Lefrançois and Mr. Arnab De as Ersatz for Dr. Moutih Rafei, from the Board of Directors, together with CSO Bleibt, bzw. Herrn Joseph Meagher, member of the Board of Directors, has started the new phase of the new CFO. Herrn Arnab The new CFO is acting. Our colleagues thanked Dr. Rafei and Herrn Meagher for their work on the Board of Directors.

Dr. Philippe Lefrançois is director of research in the Department of Dermatology at McGill University. There is an assistant professor for Medizin, Pharmacology, Therapeutik and for Surgery. There is a full-time dermatologist at the Jewish General Hospital, who is active in multi-disciplinary Hautkrebskliniken and Tumor Boards. There is a Prüfer at the Lady Davis Institute, where a umfassende Hautkrebs-Biobank und a Labor für vertalerische Genomik für Hautkrebs gründete. The Terry Fox Research Institute – Marathon of Hope Cancer Center Network initiative has begun for BCC and SCC. There is Mitglied des Réseau Recherche Cancer – Québec and the Québec Cancer Consortium. If you translate that there is a collaboration with biotech companies, there is a new Krebs therapeutic and diagnostic diagnosis in practice and phase I study that you can bring. Dr. Lefrançois has a Ph.D. von der Yale University and an MD from the Université de Montréal. There is absolutely no dermatology facharztausbildung at McGill. Seine Arbeit im Bereich Hautkrebs could benefit from the CDA and the AAD.

Herr Arnab De, CPA, CGMA, CMA, MBA, has done long-term research into the financial sector with more than 20 years of experience in financial management, financial planning, optimization and strategy. There is Leiter from Resurgent Montreal Inc., a financial management assessment firm. This job is 19 years ago in the Tata Group and has a CFO position at JCAPCPL (a 50:50 JV von Tata Steel with Nippon Steel), the Automobilstähle restores, and Tata Steel Minerals Canada Ltd., where the DSO project The Gründung is a beautiful one and an investment of more than 1.5 billion. $ in Own Capital and Debts. Mr. De ist derzeit auch CFO for the business company.

Dr. Philippe Lefrançois has conducted a study on the ARM-XTM war with the Accum® platform technology of defense equipment, among its potential capabilities. There was a specialization in melanoma, which was carried out by the defense of the previous phase, as its phase I clinical trial with AccuTOX® as an anti-molecular disease in patients with melanoma was investigated and carried out (see press conference on July 8, 2024 ). According to the defense, this is the no-objection letter from Health Canada for the phase I study that was conducted. Mr. Arnab has set up the financing plans in the Bereichen, Strategie und Regulierungsfragen a major Bereicherung voor de Unternehmen, so Sebastien Plouffe, Chief Executive Officer of Defense Therapeutics.

If you want to take more than 200,000 Defense Incentive Action Options and the next step, 200,000 Incentive Action Options are available and both new directors will be expanded: 100,000 Incentive Action Options and Dr. Lefrançois and 100,000 Incentive-Aktienoptionen and Herrn De . This promotion option is as easy as possible and can last for a while before the purchase date gets a price of 0.60$ for the action being performed.

If you get a private company, there is a broker involvement from $3 million to $0.50 for an amount that is worth $6 million. Jede is the best of a pedigree in the Kapital des Unternehmens and has received an Aktienkaufwarrant. Your entire Warrant is entitled to receive the Inhaber zum Erwerb a sister action for a price of $ 1.00 per action for a period of 24 months after the withdrawal date.

If you are looking for an alternative, the net worth of the weiterentwicklung is used for clinical and clinical programs that use all types of working capital. It is worth making a commitment to the direction of the CSE in the future. The paper from the English language will be removed in the form of the written documents of the CSE of four months and a tag on the abschluss date.

Uber Defense:

Defense Therapeutics is a clinical-stage research company in the biotech industry that offers a proprietary platform for companies developing the next generation of impfants and ADC products. The core of the Defense Therapeutics platform is the best in ACCUM® technology, the transport of impfantige or ADCs in the input form to the Zielzellen is light. If you take the next step, you can experience improved functioning and functioning that will improve the functioning of credits and infectious diseases.

More information and further information:

Sebastien Plouffe, President, CEO and Director

Phone: (514) 947-2272

[email protected]

Vorsorglicher Hinweis bezüglich zkunftsgerichteter Informationen

This press conference has produced the best results, which can be carried out as business-oriented information broadcasts. If you have become a parent, all events during that period, if you make a beginning or a division, are a fact that someone else fails to pay attention to a focused Aussagen. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen, if it is not a historical trade, it is in general – if you have no more food – plant, antizipiert, glaubt, beabsichtigt, schätzt, prognostiziert, possibile und vergleichbare Aussage or Aussagen, wonach bestimmte Ereign isse or bedingungen It would be necessary to work whenever you want. Once the research has started, it is true that you get the right guarantee for the positive targeting and that the tatsächlichen can be answered very well in those specific Zukunft-oriented measures and Angaben abweichen. If the factory tower leaves the company, then the most important issues in the economics-oriented concern of the large company will be examined, the market prices and the discontinued capital and financing management as well as all general economics, market conditions. Although there are more and more hinges, the only guarantee for the proper care of the body and the tactile health or care that can be taken into account can be the result of these health-related problems. The targeted publications are on the overseas, estimates and postcards of the management of the external human beings from date, and from the assessments that were made. If you do not go through the paperwork, it will not be possible to increase the independence of the company’s activities, such as transfers, management supervision or other factors.

The CSE and the market regulatory body (which is the definition of the CSE definition) do not have any responsibility for the Angemessenheit or Richtigkeit dies Mitteilung.

The Ausgangssprache (in the Rule English), in the original text which is light, is the official, authorizing and legally binding version. These instructions can be carried out with confidence. The German language can be kürzt or jijammengefasst. There is no Verantwortung or Haftung für de Inhalt, de Direction, de Angemessenheit or de Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stelltt die Notification keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten See the English original notification at,, or on the company website!

The English original notification can be found under the following link:

The übersetzte Notification finds the following link:


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