
Presentation in Gmünd – WHO publication: “Healthacross” has improved health care

Presentation in Gmünd – WHO publication: “Healthacross” has improved health care


Bei der Vorstellung der Publicatie: Jaromír Slíva (Bürgermeister von České Velenice), Landesrat Ludwig Schleritzko, Bettina Menne, Elisabeth Bräutigam, Helga Rosenmayer, Martina Diesner-Wais.

Vanessa Reichenauer

65,000 people pay for health care in MED Gmünd in Anspruch – 20 Prozent come from Tschechien. A WHO publication on Healthacross and the cross-border general health care project has now been presented.

Im Rahmen von Healthover soll der Gedanke europäischer Zusammenarbeit aufgegriffen were – so I am one of the Czech Borderlands Gmünd. The organization has existed since 2006 and started with the establishment of the Gesundheitsorgung der Regio, the Ausbau and the Schaffung van Arbeitsplätzen and Werschöpfung. Ensure that cross-border healthcare remains central.

2021 would be the Healthcross MED Zentrum in Germany – the war is the first cross-border healthcare center in the EU. Das Zentrum is located on the border of České Velenice and a union of medical workers from Österreich and Czechia. Over the years, the general organization in the structurally sound regions, so for an affordable person, has improved, this is in the form of the presentation.

Elisabeth Bräutigam, Vostanddin für Medizin and Pflege der Landesundheitsagentur, collaborated with the WHO and visited the Healthacross-Zentrum in Gmünd as a “Vorzeigeprojekt von Niederösterreich für die EU”. The Zentrum is an example of democracy and democracy, so Bettina Menne of the WHO. “And it is a Beispiel der Zusammenarbeit, als de Eventensevent, wie zum Beispiel Überschwemmungen,” he further said.

“Health crossing here in Germany is a reality in our country and in the Lower Austria, which is also in the health organization in Europe and in the world we live in,” said Landesrat Ludwig Schleritzko. Gerade in Gmünd is no longer able to think about borderline health insurance. If the Bratislava company gets a good cooperation.

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Health in MED Gmünd

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