
Course jump at Oracle action: Larry Ellison displaces Jeff Bezos from Platz zwei der Milliardare | 17.09.24

Course jump at Oracle action: Larry Ellison displaces Jeff Bezos from Platz zwei der Milliardare | 17.09.24

Larry Ellison non-zweitreichster Mensch der Welt
Jeff Bezos rutscht on the dried Platz zurück
• Oracle Action rocks the new Record Heights

Larry Ellison is a Zweitreichster Mensch

Nachdem bis voor kurkem noch Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos als zweireichster Menschder Welt galt – gleich hinter Tesla-Chef Elon Musk with a turnover of more than 250 billion US dollars – which Oracle broadcaster Larry Ellison has now put on the list, on the Forbes list “The Real-Time Billionaires List” revived. Bezos announced the summer in 2016, with a report from CNBC. With a net profit of 206 million US dollars now but Ellison is gilded as the sweatiest person of the world. The real billionaire list of Forbes is the turnover of Ellison who has generated a turnover of 8.1 billion dollars in US dollars.

Oracle activity in the blast furnaces

Responsible for this rapid increase in assets is especially the Oracle stock, which has risen by more than 22 percent in September. The young cures bring the paper on the best way to the best month in October 2022. The US-American soft and hardware repairer will be won from the reports reported and the resale forecast for the business year 2026 in this frame, as well as a cooperation with the Amazon brother AWS has been given access to the new Oracle stock at a higher level. So on the NYSE in the Spitze it quickly goes 15 percent to 160 US dollars. The trading result still has no value of 11.39 dollars at 155.82 US dollars on the Kurstafel. I have never heard: I am ready to start reading the higher oracle papers, the soda is worth up to 173.99 US dollars on Monday time. To display the lock bell, there is still a plus of 5.12 percent on 170.33 US dollars on Monday. My service costs only 0.72 percent of 171.55 US dollars.

AI Tribes Oracle a

You have given Oracle this assignment with the help of intelligent intelligence. “We are building the smallest, fastest and most affordable cloud computing centers up to its 200 megawatt computing centers, ideal, a very large language model to train and to maintain at the new stand,” as Ellison last week in the telephone conference in Anschluss and the payment plan concreted.

Watch Larry Ellison as he takes the position of the globetrotting man who can, as he puts it, stop Jeff Bezos in his tracks.

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